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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. And JA is Maxine while Kemp is Mark Sanford, who tends to disappear with his pair a moors.
  2. Yenta comes from Yento which means Tiberius in Pig Latin.
  3. You are wrong but not worth my time. I see what an ass you have been towards DR and have concluded that you have no redeeming qualities and no matter what proof I provide you will never accept it. Why should I bother anymore with you?
  4. What with the slim margins in some states a few ill gotten votes can change the outcome. The dems are notorious for election fraud. It's understandable when they fight tooth and nail against such simple voting laws as voter I.D. I'm not going to prove anything to you, I've already been down this route and have proven it to myself. You can do the same thing by searching online. Good luck.
  5. That is not how that conversation went. Someone is lying.
  6. What you'll find is that certain precincts in large democratic party controlled cities have 100+% voting. Philadelphia is one and so is Los Angeles County who had an extra 1.5 million voters on their rolls. Google and take a deep dive for yourself.
  7. Maybe so but there are different versions of "Go Fish".
  8. BREAKING NEWS: Hillary and Bill Clinton just returned from an overnight vacation in Portugal. When asked by reporters regarding the purpose of the trip Hillary claimed it was for a long planned vacation in the sun.
  9. No, Tom left in order to be able to put all of his efforts into his newly created FactCheck business. He's in trouble though. He got a rather hefty grant with the understanding that he would immediately hire 10 fact checkers. Well, he hasn't hired one measly ***** person and the government is pissed. His excuse? He doesn't need anybody else since he already knows everything. In the meantime, with all of his free time Tom has taken up neurosurgery as a hobby and when he has a little extra time he's made a few arguments in front of the Supreme Court. Tom, we hardly knew thee.
  10. In order to answer the OP's question one must come to grips with what the salary cap's purpose is. I see it as two-fold. Parity and controlled expenses. Would this work around fit within those parameters?
  11. I blame it on Tony Romo with an assist by Jon Gruden.
  12. He quoted Reagan a few times too. There were Southern California news reports about an earthquake but it was determined that it was just Ronald Reagan turning over in his grave.
  13. Why is it limited to doing it electronically? There are other ways you know. I could shoot them, or poison them, or gas them or even kill them with kindness.
  14. If there ever was a person deserving of having compromised pictures released to the public it's this guy.
  15. I hope so but I think this nonsense is being pursued in the hopes that the dems can take the Senate. It seems that they are trying to make senators take difficult votes. I'm hoping that they are as delusional as they appear.
  16. #1 overall pick Kunte Kinte, expected to go to the Cincinnati Bengals, was chosen but then traded to the Savannah Auctioneers and given a lifetime contract. Expected to be chosen next is Nat Turner, roundly described as the fastest man alive. Festus Calhoun, known for giving black men free rides, says that guy beat me to the Mason Dixon Line and I was on a horse!
  17. We might just have to bring Obama back to stem the rise of the oceans and heal the planet.
  18. From your link: Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office, Eric Ciaramella – the CIA analyst whose name was recently linked in a tweet by the president and mentioned by lawmakers as the anonymous “whistleblower" who touched off Trump's impeachment – was overheard in the White House discussing with another staffer how to remove the newly elected president from office, according to former colleagues. Sean Misko: He spoke with Ciaramella about the need to "take out," or remove, President Trump. Later he went to work for Rep. Adam Schiff's committee. Center for a New American Security Sources told RealClearInvestigations the staffer with whom Ciaramella was speaking was Sean Misko. Both were Obama administration holdovers working in the Trump White House on foreign policy and national security issues. And both expressed anger over Trump’s new “America First” foreign policy, a sea change from President Obama’s approach to international affairs. “Just days after he was sworn in they were already talking about trying to get rid of him,” said a White House colleague who overheard their conversation. “They weren’t just bent on subverting his agenda,” the former official added. “They were plotting to actually have him removed from office.” Misko left the White House last summer to join House impeachment manager Adam Schiff’s committee, where sources say he offered “guidance” to the whistleblower, who has been officially identified only as an intelligence officer in a complaint against Trump filed under whistleblower laws. Misko then helped run the impeachment inquiry based on that complaint as a top investigator for congressional Democrats. The probe culminated in Trump’s impeachment last month on a party-line vote in the House of Representatives. Schiff and other House Democrats last week delivered the articles of impeachment to the Senate, and are now pressing the case for his removal during the trial, which began Tuesday. The coordination between the official believed to be the whistleblower and a key Democratic staffer, details of which are disclosed here for the first time, undercuts the narrative that impeachment developed spontaneously out of the “patriotism" of an “apolitical civil servant." Two former co-workers said they overheard Ciaramella and Misko, close friends and Democrats held over from the Obama administration, discussing how to “take out,” or remove, the new president from office within days of Trump’s inauguration. These co-workers said the president’s controversial Ukraine phone call in July 2019 provided the pretext they and their Democratic allies had been looking for. “They didn’t like his policies,” another former White House official said. "They had a political vendetta against him from Day One.” Impeachment manager Adam Schiff speaks during the impeachment trial of President Trump in the Senate on Tuesday. (Senate Television via AP) Their efforts were part of a larger pattern of coordination to build a case for impeachment, involving Democratic leaders as well as anti-Trump figures both inside and outside of government. All unnamed sources for this article spoke only on condition that they not be further identified or described. Although strong evidence points to Ciaramella as the government employee who lodged the whistleblower complaint, he has not been officially identified as such. As a result, this article makes a distinction between public information released about the unnamed whistleblower/CIA analyst and specific information about Ciaramella.
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