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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Trump has been calling for a reexamination of foreign aid for many years prior to his election campaign even. There's no "suddenly" about it.
  2. Well when one counts the South Americans, Central Americans and Dead Americans you may be right.
  3. Let's look at this in a common sense manner. Trump made certain campaign promises before being elected. He has an excellent record of fulfilling those promises. One promise had to do with foreign aid being given to corrupt governments or governments that voted against us at the U.N. In several instances during the first term of his presidency he has held back foreign aid to countries for various reasons. Why would any thinking person assume that Trump did not want to fight corruption? All the Lefties are all upset that Trump delayed assistance to Ukraine in their struggle against Russia fully knowing that the Trump administration was the first to give them lethal aid. On top of that, many of these crybabies voted against aid to Ukraine in the first place. Gator, I know you will just laugh this off, not because there's something wrong with it but because you can't refute the truth here.
  4. The question is: why are you filling in for Tiberius when he's still here?
  5. The transcript of Trump's July 25th phone call have Trump asking Zelensky to "do us a favor". He then went on to talk about the 2016 election and "Crowdstrike" and alleged interference in that election. Five hundred words later Zelensky brings up Rudy Guliani and Trump compliments Rudy and asks Zelenskiy if he would cooperate with him and the AG. The media has turned this into Trump asking for the favor of Ukraine digging up dirt on the Bidens. This is what it has come down to. Unadulterated connived horseshit by everyone on the Left and the media.
  6. Gary isn't even as fun to whack over the head as HAHA Gator is. I think Gator tends to bounce back while Gary just keeps getting more brain damaged.
  7. IG Atkinson had a report to the Intelligence Committee that laid out the "urgent" necessity of the whistle blower's concerns.
  8. Whatcha mean? Sanders will arrange for us to receive foreign aid from Cuba or Warren will do weekly rain dances to help out our farmers. Besides, a robust stock market only helps the truly wealthy and oppresses the masses.
  9. Damn you're dense. The IG brought up a case to the House Intell Committee having to do with a whistle blower. There is testimony that the committee has that Schiff took in the skiff. That's what is being discussed.
  10. I'm glad that TDS is no longer contagious and it is only affecting the brains of those who already have it. You're now bringing up a years old fabricated accusation that Trump was lying because he made a claim that the hurricane could track into Alabama? What a stretch. Obama and many other dems lied to us for years, even admitting it but you want to denigrate a president who has been more transparent than any in my memory? Think more, smoke less.
  11. I'd ask if you are really this stupid but I already have an answer to that. Atkinson is an IG. He's the one who testified in a form of report regarding the ridiculous whistle blower accusations. Try to keep up.
  12. https://www.judicialwatch.org/corruption-chronicles/sanctuary-city-pays-illegal-alien-arrested-for-dui-cash-settlement-over-immigration-hold/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=corruption_chronicles In the latest example of sanctuary madness, a U.S. city is awarding an illegal immigrant with a cash settlement because police detained him for federal authorities after being arrested for driving under the influence. The 29-year-old perpetrator, Edgar Torres Gutierrez, eventually pled guilty to a lesser charge of reckless driving and his pro bono attorneys from a nearby public university sued the city for violating his Constitutional rights as well as a statewide sanctuary law. Under the agreement, Gutierrez will receive $18,750 from taxpayers in the California coastal municipality where he lives illegally. Local police officers will also be forced to watch a training video involving sanctuary measures for the next two years. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Imagine if every American city paid each of them a settlement for cooperating with federal authorities. Gutierrez came to the U.S. illegally from Mexico when he was three and takes responsibility for the “actions” that led to his arrest. He said this in one local news report: “I acknowledge that and I am at fault for that and I am dealing with the consequences of that.” However, the illegal immigrant added that police should not be working with ICE to deport undocumented aliens like him who are protected under DACA. He is calling on fellow illegal immigrants to speak up and come forward when they feel there’s been an injustice or if their “rights” have been violated. After taking a victory lap, his publicly-funded lawyers filed another complaint this week with the Laguna Beach Police Department that will require more taxpayer resources to defend. Emboldened by sanctuary policies and open-borders groups that offer free legal representation, a growing number of illegal immigrants are filing lawsuit demanding rights in the U.S. Last year seven illegal immigrants detained in a workplace raid sued the federal agents that arrested them, claiming that they were racially profiled for being Latino. In a federal court complaint their pro bono attorneys asserted that ICE agents violated the illegal aliens’ Constitutional rights against illegal seizures and to equal protection under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Months earlier a separate lawsuit resulted in a federal court ruling that illegal immigrants can sue American employers that refuse to hire them because they require workers to be U.S. citizens or legal residents (green card holders).
  13. What would we do without our mental midget? Gary can't take his place without sliming up the lanes.
  14. Father Guido Sarducci, one of the few old enough here to remember the AFL, suggested this thread and for some reason can't start new threads from his Commodore 64. I think it was worn out from too much Pong. This thread is for truly outstanding posts that you as the poster feel are worthy of being posted here. Please shy away from anything that isn't humorous unless it is so outstanding that it just begs to be seen here. Also, don't even think of hijacking this thread with petty utterances. This is for truly outstanding posts with no comments from other posters. "Likes" and "LOL" with the built-in emojis are the only way to comment.
  15. From your link: In January 2018, former Secretary of State John Kerry met in London with Hussein Agha, a close associate of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. He told him President Trump would be removed from office within a year, and not to enter into Mideast peace talks. One would think that Kerry should get an orange suit for that kind of horseshit.
  16. I don't know what difference it makes, they couldn't find anything against Trump even with the illegal spying.
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