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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. So, the July 25th phone call is now moot? You know, the phone call that is the basis for this so called impeachment trial.
  2. Vegas odds are 50/50 that Barack actually has a dick but favor him having a pussey at 10/1. There's no betting line on whether or not Michelle has either or both. Their pet names for each other are "Herm" and "Aphrodite".
  3. Don't blame him for that. When you have the munchies, you have the munchies.
  4. Yes, yes it was. I remember at the time shaking my head like the AFLAC duck and thinking "that's a marriage made in hell".
  5. HAHA Gator is once again lying about his Benghazi laughter. Anyone else remember it?
  6. You come down here with the attitude that you are knowledgeable about the subject but do nothing but espouse your "feelings". When challenged, you claim that anyone challenging you is a "Trumptard" or whatever and come off as a victim.
  7. You say you voted for Trump. Well, you got exactly what he claimed to be so what's the beef? We don't expect you to be the harbinger of all truth and knowledge. Just don't give opinions on something you obviously know nothing about. Discuss what you know to be fact and learn from other sources regarding what you don't know. Don't fake it.
  8. Bolton was "W"'s UN guy for 18 months ( 2005-2006)on a recess appointment but resigned when it didn't appear as if the new dem Senate would confirm him. He was Trump's NSA guy for about another 18 months from 4-18 to 9-19. That was the job he got fired from for reportedly being too war-like. As an example he was supposedly in favor of invading Venezuela. I agree about the book. Baskin is back.
  9. With all the homeless in places like LA County there's no sense having 1.5 million dead spaces.
  10. Bolton is a neocon and was ok as the Ambassador to the UN. The only reason he was a National Security Adviser to Trump was that he wanted to shape Trump's foreign policy. Otherwise he could have just as easily ended up a Never Trumper.
  11. Typical. We hear that from all you drive-byes whenever you want to run away with your tails between your legs. This is a forum for discussion. We have standards and you aren't measuring up. Be better or don't bother.
  12. Guess what? You are not a special kind of liberal here. Idaho could have written that to any number of liberals here who act like drive-by shooters. We see your kind time and time again. The ties that bind you guys together consist of a basic lack of knowledge of the subject and a propensity to bloviate leftist talking points. Again, you're nothing new here but a reincarnation of a 60's era mental hippie.
  13. Gleeful Gator is denying he laughed at the deaths in Benghazi. Is there anyone who remembers it as I do? So, the July 25th phone call that Zelensky didn't know he was being extorted in is now the basis of Trump's impeachment trial?
  14. Because it happened under his girlfriend Hillary. According to him they handled everything perfectly and it only happened because of a video and/or bad luck.
  15. Tiberius used to be Gatorman. When the Americans were killed in Benghazi he thought it was funny and laughed about it. I periodically remind people of what kind of a guy he is by calling him either HAHA Gator or Gleeful Gator.
  16. I doubt HAHA Gator is a socialist. In fact, I doubt he has any real political convictions. Principles don't mean a thing to him. If Obama pursued Trump's policies Gator would have no problem with him. He's a tumbleweed that goes wherever the "D" wind sends him.
  17. The comments on that post were mainly from people with no understanding of the law. First of all, that isn't a new law. 2nd, immigrants used to have to have sponsors that were already here. 3rd, the Ninth Circuit isn't and can't overturn a SCOTUS ruling. Dumb *****.
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