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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The problem is that as long as he isn't under oath he can say what he wants to on either floor and get away with it.
  2. Why would anyone think that the former National Security Adviser might actually have knowledge of issues that need to be classified?
  3. Are they forgetting that the FB! twice attempted to obtain FISA warrants prior to actually receiving the one they did? They only received the one they did because they used the Steele Dossier to get it, per Andrew McCabe.
  4. What you fail to understand time after time is that the country voted for those promises that he has kept. Schiff: Asking to have an investigation announced is equal to having them commit to it.
  5. The only thing more fearful would be to see James Taylor sitting next to the cake.
  6. Maybe he and DC Tom got a room. They left at the same time.
  7. So, the President is now God? There's a reason for classifying certain things and just declassifying them because he has the authority doesn't make it right. I'm surprised that you could even contemplate this.
  8. We've had to put up with people here for so long that just don't know the facts but have a gigantic fervor based on their feelings. Time and time again people like gator, gary, bob, TH3, etc. kick up shitstorms based on ignorance that it causes any new poster like Margarita to be suspect. As I've said in the past, this forum's usefulness is not so much in giving a person the opportunity to spout off but first the opportunity to listen and learn. We are all mini teachers here but the true value is that we are all much more learners if we take that opportunity. Those of us that realize that, despise people who don't even understand the subject or the players but expect to teach the rest of us.
  9. Why are you so surprised that Bob is just as uninformed and ignorant as 150 million other citizens? Can you imagine what it would be like if those 150 million citizens actually became informed?
  10. What do you think of Joe Biden's judgement in all of this, including his idiotic taped bragging about getting the prosecutor fired?
  11. Trump specifically asked Zelenski on 7-25-19 to work with Guliani and the Attorney General.
  12. Damn, I hate doing this. Up thread you asked me "if the House dems were correct in their assumptions about Trump" and now you state emphatically that he should be removed. How dense are you? There has been no foreign election influence by Trump.
  13. I spent decades negotiating commercial real estate deals of all sizes. While that may not sound on par with foreign policy negotiations it's not all that different. It's all about finding a way to give each party the least that they can accept. Some deals are relatively simple and are centered mainly around money. Most deals have a few or many issues that have to be worked through. The key though is to get to the bottom line of each party without tripping over your dick and actually creating additional roadblocks. ? It's what we call a Quid Pro Quo".
  14. There has been no proof of anything, just how you and others "feel". Under our justice system the speculation by the dems would not have even made it to a grand jury. Don't expect paragraph after paragraph of response by me to your horseshit speculation and hidden rabbit holes.
  15. From your link: Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, one of the designated "spin doctors" sent to the microphones to clean up any damage to the Democrats' message caused by President Trump's impeachment attorneys, dropped an unintentional truth bomb during a media interview. C-SPAN broke away from the proceedings in time to hear Blumenthal say this about the Trump defense lawyers: Look what he said about the case. Was he really accusing the Trump lawyers of having a case that was "bereft of evidence"? Look at the next sentence. Blumenthal said, "we need evidence." The Trump defense team did provide additional information to the Democrat House Managers during the trial, but, while it's politically smart, the burden of proving the case is certainly not on the president's team. It's up to the Democrat House Managers to make their case, which, by Blumenthal's lights, is "bereft of evidence."
  16. Because no upstanding company would have him. If only he took a stand like Groucho.
  17. Your use of interregnum is wrong, but your reference to "money wrench" probably has some validity as it pertains to Nancy Politics.
  18. The Brits are going to have some real issues with the USA what with allowing Huawei into their country.
  19. Reading through the last few pages this AM I am dumbfounded that some people can not only display such immense ignorance but actually knowledgeable people will get into somewhat lengthy discussions with them. How can anyone argue with a person who doesn't even know who IG Atkinson is and what part he has had in this latest impeachment efforts? Between tokes, Bob writes that Trump supporters criticize the dems with rushing the House impeachment vote while at the same time criticizing them for holding the Articles of Impeachment back from the Senate. Simply put the dems, lead by Nancy Politics wanted desperately to get Trump impeached by Christmas but then wanted to help out Joe Biden by keeping his opponents off the campaign trail. If the House had went about this impeachment facade in at least a semblance of fairness and then did it in an open way they would have taken their time to do it right. They didn't, but claimed they had overwhelming evidence and proof that Trump was guilty, but then wanted the Senate to do the job they failed to do. Remember, after all this immense bs going back and forth Trump and his campaign did not collude with anyone or any country to affect the 2016 election. He also didn't do anything impeachable as it pertains to Ukraine. With this in mind, the dems and media are trying to weaken our president and affect his ability to deal internationally. Add dem party over patriotism as the new reality.
  20. The Palestinian leadership doesn't want the problems solved. If Israel isn't going to burn in hell then they aren't interested in peace. This is much like the dems in Congress as it pertains to immigration issues. They don't want it solved, they need the issue.
  21. Why do you think he doesn't have the energy to check out any facts?
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