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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Row33 seemed to disappear shortly after some people here discounted the deaths of Canadians in the Ukrainian airliner after being shot down by Iran.
  2. You sound like a rare teacher who hasn't bought into the leftist mentality of the academia.
  3. Willie is just looking for a little "strange", as if Hillary wasn't strange enough.
  4. Bob not only wins in the category of "Sore Loser" but the overall category of "Loser". This on top of "Stoner of the Year" and "Lifetime Achievement Award for Best Bathroom Attendant in a Gentleman's Club".
  5. I don't think the dems truly want to have witnesses. Whether they have them or not Trump is going to be acquitted. They want to be able to claim that the repubs voted against witnesses because they had something to hide. It's become their modus operandi just like the DACA deal and immigration reform. If we give them what they want they may just be like the dog that catches the car. Now what do I do?
  6. In the meantime, Bill says that if Tulsi serves it herself he'd be glad to accept it for "what's her name".
  7. Are you going to post this in every thread? It just wasn't that funny. I understand you keep asking me to answer some kind of "trap" question. Pose it in a non-trap way and I'll see what I can do. Play your usual bs games that might work on your peers and I'll ignore you. Realize that you're dealing with mostly adults here and I for one have no desire to play in your sandbox unless you can act like an adult or at least an unstoned teen.
  8. I see you've been spending time with Bob, getting high and watching Animal House over and over.
  9. Yes, I can presume that he kept it quiet so he didn't tip it off to the Russians so that they would get the false impression that there was a chasm between the USA and Ukraine.
  10. He responded to you before anyone else quoted you. He must have found the "special ignore button". Finally, you're coming around and admitting we have a republic. I assume you are now accepting the electoral college?
  11. Like FDR shouldn't have pushed for war with Japan after Pearl Harbor?
  12. I take exception to this. His football days were over. He would need to be tried by actors, bad actors if you want him to be tried by a jury of his peers.
  13. Note: When Gleeful Gator quotes something and it is very short, he's taking something out of context and hoping no one clicks on the link to find that out. He also likes to quote articles that are behind a paywall so he can lie like Adam Schiff.
  14. I could see reposting this like on FB but the amount of pushback from the PC people there would be like a tsunami in the kiddie pool.
  15. He's always the dummy in the room. Don't even question it.
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