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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Yes, former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates who served in the Obama administration, wrote in his book that Joe Biden was wrong on every foreign policy decision or position in the last 40 years.
  2. As usual, you're fullofshit. Shutting down people coming from China or people who had been in China recently was something that lead the world. He shut down travel from Europe and everyone bittched, including the countries in Europe. I'm surprised you are still posting here after your shameful criticism of a son caring for his elderly mother with dementia.
  3. https://freebeacon.com/2020-election/biden-said-6114-military-service-members-died-from-covid-the-real-number-is-7/?fbclid=IwAR0K4ZZp2gUoVfAtL4JTVP6IkkS1x85XurSNwoneQQlwfeTu8SuhGhEZ5NI Joe claims that 6114 service members have died from Covid-19. Department of Defense says that the real number is 7. Democrat leaders and the MSM all call it a "rounding error".
  4. Do you actually practice being obtuse? No matter what you claim about how the virus was handled here in the USA it does not change the fact that China basically declared war on the world, including us. It's like blaming us for the Pearl Harbor attack because we weren't better prepared.
  5. Link? How many times do you think you can say this without backing it up? She's actually a conservative. -)
  6. Now c'mon man, she simply transferred the virus to everyone remotely.
  7. No, China hid the fact that they had the virus, hid the virus and then claimed it couldn't be transferred from person to person after sending out their citizens around the world while preventing them from traveling within their own country. Oh, while all of this was happening they bought up all of the world's protective equipment. It was more than China being "slow".
  8. You know nothing about the subject. Land is not the only real estate investment out there. Rock solid deals with a decent return are available.
  9. Is it time to send in the Federal Reserve troops?
  10. Biden just changed direction for some reason and now has people going door to door for his campaign. His prior excuse for not doing so (stated just a couple days ago) was they didn't want to spread the virus. Does he now want to spread the virus? I'm not so sure what position Biden took deserves an apology. Maybe you can enlighten us.
  11. Seems like most everyone owns you.
  12. OK guys, read the headline and then the article. This Newsweek article was posted on the MSN homepage and is quite the opposite from the headline. I know, nothing new but thiskindofshit just pisses me off. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-tries-to-court-black-voters-after-refusing-to-denounce-white-supremacy/ar-BB19DhCN?li=BBnbfcL Donald Trump Tries to Court Black Voters After Refusing to Denounce White Supremacy Coming as it does amid continuing demonstrations about racial injustice in the U.S., many political analysts view Trump's push for Black votes as a long shot, to put it mildly. In the first presidential debate Joe Biden called Trump a "racist," and the president notably failed to denounce white supremacy. Even Trump's closest advisers have occasionally expressed some skepticism as to whether he could boost his share of the Black vote this time around. "Maybe, maybe not," Jared Kushner, senior adviser to the president and Trump's son in law, told Newsweek this past summer when asked if he thought the campaign could attract significantly more African American support.
  13. The real anti fascists took care of things.
  14. I heard numerous observers state that there were no interruptions in the first 2 minutes by either party but Biden was the first to interrupt Trump 3 times while answering the next question. Today on the Bill Hemmer show Chris Wallace stated that Trump was the first to do any interrupting. Wallace also sounded very bitter and partisan during his time on air. On a side note, my attention was diverted at the same time this was going on while the GPS lady kept mispronouncing Kuntz Road in Erie.
  15. That was just about the time (1932) when communist backed Antifa was first formed in Germany. Yes.
  16. Someone refused to answer if they would pack the SCOTUS, get rid of the Electoral College and won't take a stand on making Puerto Rico or DC a state. I think his reason for refusing to answer the question about packing the SCOTUS was that he didn't want to make that an issue. Defend that.
  17. Well if he's been disassociating himself from the Green New Deal then he probably should revise his website. It clearly states that his environmental plans are based on the Green New Deal. If you would look through this thread you would see that statement quoted here several times. So, the conclusion is that you are just wrong, again. Why is it that you and some others arrive to the debate without ever knowing yourshit? Don't you ever get embarrassed?
  18. I'm watching Kayleigh's briefing right now and the MSM keeps talking over her as they commented on Trump talking over Biden in the debate. Especially that witch in red.
  19. If you're going to post pictures of yourself you should post a recent one like this:
  20. If the MSM reported on a football game in which the Right beat the Left by a score of 52-3 their headline would read "The Left Mounts a Furious Comeback and Outscores The Right In The Final Minute of The Game".
  21. Notice a common theme in the bolded and red above?
  22. I didn't want to start a new thread for this but wtf is the world coming to? https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/more-sports/american-cyclist-suspended-by-team-after-pro-trump-comments/ar-BB19ByJ7?li=BBnb7Kz The 2019 junior road race world champion replied to a journalist from the Netherlands who had criticized Trump on Twitter. “Regrettably, team rider Quinn Simmons made statements online that we feel are divisive, incendiary, and detrimental to the team, professional cycling, its fans, and the positive future we hope to help create for the sport,” Trek-Segafredo said in a statement. "(He) will not be racing for Trek-Segafredo until further notice.” The 19-year-old rider reacted Wednesday when Dutch journalist José Been posted on Twitter that she hoped for her American friends that “this horrible presidency ends for you,” adding “if you follow me and support Trump, you can go.” When a separate account replied “Apparently a Trumper,” Simmons countered “That’s right” with a United States flag symbol.
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