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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You never met my late MIL's cat then. It was a Siamese ***** terror.
  2. Mitt Romney is possibly facing a recall effort back in Utah.
  3. I've wracked my brain and it would appear that the only thing that makes sense would be if the scientist told him what he wanted to hear.
  4. Romney was first against Trump then for him and then against him right up to the time he wanted to be SOS under Trump. I too was for him in 2012 but his lack of backbone that showed up during that campaign and his actions since make me believe that his principles are flexible and negotiable.
  5. This country isn't ready for an openly gay person as president.
  6. Depends upon what pronoun he wants to be called. I think "Shim" will do.
  7. I'm sure that it's not a stretch to assume that it wouldn't be the only thing that has been up there. That's what is called low hanging fruit. Not you, him.
  8. It's already determined that is an old video of Richie Incognito.
  9. In 2014? Obama isn't president anymore, why do you need to keep bringing up the fact that he caged children? Next you'll be reminding us of when he closed previous unmanned national parks during the shutdown in order to make people feel the pain. Why don't you let him, Reggie Love and Michelle live in peace in their 15 million dollar seaside estate that will most likely succumb soon to rising sea waters?
  10. "All this for a ***** flag?" "I've never been proud of this country until Barack was made president".
  11. That's like betting that the sun will rise tomorrow. He wakes up every morning wet and messy.
  12. This is spot on. Back when we were debating the ACA before its inception I had two major objections to it. (1) It ignored the "Law of Large Numbers" which is the basis for all insurance. (2) The people implementing the ACA were incompetent.
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