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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It's certainly possible that Hunter Biden did nothing illegal but in that case there's a good chance that Joe Biden did something illegal and conspired with his son.
  2. Nobody from the Trump family is getting paid. Trump obviously has great faith in Ivanka and Jered Kushner and the items they've worked on have either been successes or show promise. Any other family members have stuck to the political side.
  3. The large states control the House while the smaller states have more of a say in the Senate in comparison to their population. The House was designed to represent the people while the Senate was designed to represent the states.
  4. Per V.I.P.S. it was determined that the speed of the supposed "hack" could not have been done over the internet and had to be done by a direct transfer of information. In other words someone downloaded that information directly from a computer onto an external drive.
  5. Doesn't he already have a wife and wouldn't she be the primary wife? It's hard for me to imagine Laura Ingraham in "Big Love".
  6. Isn't electronically monitoring the border a major reason why the opponents of The Wall favored that electronic monitoring? What hypocrites.
  7. People can go around and around about different statistics to try and prove their point. The one statistic that indicates the strength of the economy is wage growth. Wage growth is based on supply and demand and supersedes every other statistic.
  8. Joe's a jerk but why don't you just give Hillary a knife? Biden was Obama's assassination insurance while Hillary would be Biden's assassination guarantee.
  9. So, if we have only 10 years left maybe we should change certain phrases to actually reflect reality. I'm going to start this off with a few age related guarantees: 10 year drive train warranty is now "lifetime warranty". Any prison sentence over 10 years makes a person a lifer. A 30-year roof is now "A Forever Roof". I don't know what he's done about it but I'm gonna buy as much ocean front property down there as I can.
  10. The very nature of Democrats and their philosophy makes it almost impossible for them to have any competence. Their shirking of individual accountability just lends itself to their incompetence.
  11. Since the precedent for spying on your opponent has already been set, at this time, what difference does it make?
  12. This country is not ready for a male president who gives bj's and takes it up the ass.
  13. It was posted here just a day or two ago but a cursory look didn't bring it up. It was a picture of 4 men on the board.
  14. Sgt. York is dead and Ron Mexico has been advised by his lawyer to keep quiet while Jersey Mike's is for eating and Orleans is "Still the One". You need a better pair of legals.
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