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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It would be interesting to see the machinations and the players who are trying to suppress this documentary.
  2. It seems like almost every day I find another reason to despise the Left.
  3. I'm so old I remember when Orange County was solidly conservative.
  4. Maybe you can give him a job on your crew. He can help you with union organization.
  5. Milton Keynes? We may have a new PPPism here fellows. In fact, this could be the start of a new award here for economic prowess. Yes, I bring you the new Milton Keynes Award, to be given away to those who display the general economic knowledge of a Tiberius.
  6. If the blacks could be put into one group (I don't believe they can) they should play the different parties against each other and work that to their advantage.
  7. I've never heard that. I thought she was only into men.
  8. I'll put this here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/peta-president-calls-pet-a-disrespectful-term-ask-owners-to-use-animal-companion-instead/ar-BBZLQkd?li=BBnbfcL The disagreement started when Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), suggested that animal owners use the word “animal companion” in place of pet and “guardian” in place of “owner,” because the suggested terms show more respect. “Referring to an animal as a ‘pet’ or as ‘it’ reduces a sentient being with a personality and emotions to an inanimate object—a possession to be used in any way the “owner” wishes. Contrary to some reports, we are not seeking to ban these words; we’re simply suggesting that it would be more respectful to refer to the animals in our homes as ‘animal companions’ and ourselves as their “guardians” in the same way that all social movements concerned with cultivating respect have made appeals to stop using terms that are racist or sexist or that otherwise imply that the subject is less important than the speaker,” Newkirk said in a statement to PEOPLE about her feelings on the matter.
  9. The 10 songs about ol' Jack Daniels #7: https://www.cnbc.com/2011/07/27/10-Country-Songs-About-Jack-Daniels.html
  10. Well, West Virginia is trying to take a bunch of Virginia's counties in order to increase their amount of Senators per Katy Tur. Back in the day I would have welcomed such a pretty woman with so little brains.
  11. I don't think there's a heartbeat of difference between their stances----basically if the creature isn't able to walk yet it's ok to cut its spine. It's called Woman's Health.
  12. Yes, but how many of them do we need to remind us how morally, intellectually and philosophically bankrupt the Left is?
  13. This is why everybody here despises you. I'd tell you to stay classy but we both know that would be impossible since you've never even seen classy from a distance. If PPP threw a party everyone here would tell you it was this Thursday when it's really on Wednesday. Your numerous remarks regarding other poster's family members are not only childish but they cross a line here that you shouldn't even approach. I regret spending even what little time I have responding to you.
  14. I see your reading comprehension needs a little work. If you are going to show off your total lack of compassion and worth as a human being then you should get the story right. With that in mind, I don't wish for you to suffer or burn in hell.
  15. Horseshit! Bernie doesn't comb his hair with a ***** pillow. I have him on tape and he admits to combing it with a comb.
  16. Stop it! You can try to cherry pick all of the different economic statistics but the one that really counts is wages. Wages are up, specifically for people on the lower end.
  17. Maybe a more extensive background report would get the opinions of former superiors and make a determination that he wasn't fit to serve anywhere in the government.
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