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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Joe Biden pounces on reporter and states that Hillary Clinton is not up to the "mouse test".
  2. While the DoD needs to reduce waste and the practice of each entity spending up to their budget each fiscal year we need to avoid the situation that we had with Obama's presidency. His priorities put us in a state of unreadiness. Much of our equipment was out of service and in some areas we were even short on ammunition. Maybe we could have borrowed some from the Dept. of Energy. -)
  3. Some commercial, she called mini mike a dog.
  4. You are the offspring of No Balls and No Brains. You're too chicken to defend your comments about spending more to reduce the deficit and brainless enough to just attack other posters for pointing out your stupidity.
  5. When world history and especially American History is either not taught in schools or perverted, then history can't be learned from. Our culture gets discounted and we don't build from a base, but are susceptible to any idea that sounds good. The lack of patriotism in our country is based on our ignorance of our past.
  6. Hmmph, sounds not only like "white privilege" but someone else must have made that happen.
  7. Tell me Mr. Serious, how will spending more money reduce the deficit?
  8. I see even you know that your response made no sense and you can't defend it so you just strike out at people.
  9. Yesterday's news concerned real poverty, soup lines and no money for medicines. Today's reality is the poor complain that they can afford only a 40" flat screen while our unfair system allows the wealthy to have a 75" flat screen in 3-4 rooms. Everything is relative.
  10. The Left's headline: Trump Rips Food Stamps From 3.6 Million People The reality: Ever Improving Economy Boosts 3.6 Million People Off Food Stamps This just goes to show that the Left needs to be dishonest to sell their ideas. So, you want to reduce the deficit by spending more money? How do you function on a day to day basis?
  11. Very simple. We've allowed our offspring and their offspring to be educated into that way of thinking. Modern academia has taught our children to be more concerned about "fairness" and equal outcomes than becoming the best that they could become.
  12. Biden has been running for President since 1988 I believe. His 4th place finish in Iowa a week ago was his best showing ever.
  13. Let's reduce EPA funding in order to reduce EPA caused pollution.
  14. No, we don't do that. We don't laugh uncontrollably over the deaths of fellow citizens either, Gleeful Gator.
  15. Seems like once he was separated from John McCain his backbone found room to grow.
  16. You sound like the attorney whose office is the one under the stairs and doubles as the office supply room. If you were a doctor instead of an attorney your name would be Frank Burns.
  17. Nazi [ˈnätsē] NOUN historical a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. ADJECTIVE of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism. synonyms: authoritarian · totalitarian · dictatorial · despotic · draconian · autocratic · [more] Hmmmn.
  18. Sleeping soundly seems to be par for you. I didn't think that 3rd chair was comfortable enough for that. Did your name used to be Nero?
  19. Has anyone noticed that the suicide rate has gone up since Hillary has gained prominence?
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