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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Rising wages make minimum wage increases moot. I see job wanted postings 2-3 dollars above minimum wage for what have always been entry level jobs.
  2. Hey now, as a lawyer he was once a 3rd chair and he also "won a preliminary hearing". By his own admission that is the totality of his courtroom experience.
  3. Liawatha, shot in the back with an arrow. Heap bad medicine.
  4. Well, 3rd chair gets his information from the 2nd chair who gets it from the 1st chair. What would you expect him to claim?
  5. It's either all that or it puts on a good show for the media that they tipped off.
  6. BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden, in the far-fetched circumstances that he might become president has been forbidden to hold any "beer summits". Video explains why.
  7. I wonder what the unintended consequences of this are? Could it be making everything more expensive in NY and in turn raising more tax money?
  8. This is why I asked to be put on his ignore list. He appears to be an incubatory carrier of TDS and I want no part of him.
  9. Next on the Greatest Generations Kid's agenda is to be run out of town by Boko Haram.
  10. There's a difference between being indicted vs. being investigated and having that investigation turned over to congress with the purpose of impeaching the President. That guy is conflating the two all the while thinking his superior intellect is getting over on the rest of us. I don't know who he thinks he is--------------------------------3rd Chair?
  11. Why do you think the questions eliciting those kinds of responses were asked in the way they were? Please include me in that statement too.
  12. Didn't you claim that you taught a writing class or am I mistaking you with Tiberius?
  13. "Generally believed" and "at that time" tend to not be reflective of any kind of fact.
  14. What's with all the sarcasm? You do know that he he teaches writing at a community college? It should be evident what with his use of grammar and spelling that he's head and shoulders above us deplorables.
  15. I'm smart enough to proofread what I post. In addition, I know the difference between to, too and two. Obviously, you don't.
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