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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. From the sounds of things I doubt you've ever passed a bar without stopping.
  2. You have to understand, he lives in Asia and it's a little backwards as it pertains to comprehending the English language.
  3. I'm not surprised at all. It's been my contention for decades that liberals are the least tolerant people in our society. They get their information strictly from sources that mirror their preconceived ideas and refuse to actually listen to anything that they don't already agree with.
  4. This kindofshit is downright unpatriotic and borders on treason. Any thinking person knows that the senators are telling Iran that they don't agree with the president and our policy could once again become friendly to Iran. Logan Act violations anyone?
  5. I said I was interested in "gun racks", but thanks for the upsell.
  6. So, your response makes no actual point other than reminding everyone here what a foolish little prick/clown you are. Aren't you the teacher who claims he gets his elementary school kids accepted into Harvard?
  7. From your link: The 40-page Inspector General report that prompted the criminal referral and preceeded Andrew McCabes termination from the FBI was released in April of 2018. What many don’t realize is that it also demonstrates massive potential corruption at the highest levels of the Obama DOJ. Then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Andrew McCabe threatened the NY Field office and NYPD with arrests, should they disclose what they found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner. Let’s rewind to November of 2016. James Comey had just announced they were reopening the investigation into the Clinton email matter because of emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop in a related sexting case. Weiner was later convicted of the charges. On November 4, 2016, Erik Prince did an interview on Breitbart News Daily (broadcast on Sirius XM) where he shared damning information about what was happening in the case. At the time, it was relegated to “conspiracy theory”, because as Erik Prince indicated in the interview: “They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said. “The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments,’” Prince explained.”
  8. Flynn had the DOJ go after him when the FBI didn't think he committed a crime. The Deep State did everything they could to denigrate Flynn and keep his knowledge away from Trump. The Deep State's malfeasance is getting a second look. Roger Stone had been given a sentencing recommendation of 7-9 years by Mueller team prosecutors for doing less than James Wolfe did who got 2 months for lying to investigators and nothing for leaking Intelligence Committee secrets. Completely in line with treating people in a just manner. Shame on me for discussing anything with you. You pretend to be open minded but then inevitably come up with shitlikethis.
  9. Barr isn't going after him for process crimes. He's got more serious crap on him through Durham.
  10. Didn't you know that Trump would find a way for Mexico to pay for The Wall? We're confiscating those ladders and selling them for scrap. We've already cut down on their exports by getting a virus named after Corona. Just wait and see what we do to Dos Equis.
  11. It's a hidden family secret having to do with bestiality. Something to do with maple syrup and a moose. Just let it rest.
  12. You wanted even handed investigations and I want not only even handed investigations but just outcomes. The government is still rife with lifers who have their own agenda. Before leaving office Obama quadrupled the amount of NSA staffers. Does that not cause reason to be concerned?
  13. You are discounting the time and effort here in PPP that has been given to what's been going on over the last few years. You surmise that those of us that are on the conservative side only get their information from Fox News. In doing so you have actually let it slip that your information comes to you in such a narrow manner. You call for investigations to be even handed but we call for them to be not only even handed but just. So far only anyone even slightly connected to Trump have been prosecuted (with the exception of James Wolfe who got 2 months for doing more than what Roger Stone did) while the big time liars and soft coup perpetrators have so far been untouched. Your broom has come to be good buddies with the underside of a rug.
  14. While I agree with you, Rear Admiral Pete should be careful not to misrepresent his service.
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