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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You're missing the point. He put himself (when he wrote "me") and class in the same sentence. That must violate all sense of propriety, terms of service and human sensitivity.
  2. Coming from the poster who wished President Trump dead.
  3. I'm working my way through this thread and normally don't respond until I have read all of the posts but this seems like a real good opening to express my feelings here. Over the last several months I have become increasingly disgusted with the amount of bot-like posters here. We have had posters who: Posted the same exact sentiment 10 times in a short span of time in the same thread. I mean an actual copy/paste. Posted a desire to see President Trump die from his bout with Covid-19. Made fun of another poster here for being the primary caretaker of his 94 year old mother who suffers with dementia. It is inconceivable to me that DR would post something anywhere near as egregious as the above and be worthy of a ban. He has been inundated with the sheer amount of bot-like posters challenging him on every point. Even on non controversial points he's been attacked. DR has been patient with attacker after attacker but he's been abused over and over. His posting about the "deep state" started out with many of us doubting him and saying so, but in a civil manner. He convinced many of us eventually and by-and-large he's been correct. To allow terrible posters to continue posting their total nonsense will of course in the end drive away good posters, either unwillingly or willingly. DC Tom left, TYTT claims to be leaving, Meazza wants to take a break and DR suspended or banned? It also seems like a number of long term posters are up in arms over the decimation of this place. This was a good place to discuss and learn. Not so much anymore. I deplore the mods and SDS to take a serious look at what has happened here and put a lid on the trash posters. @SDS @Alaska Darin @Hapless Bills Fan
  4. I think you should post more often.
  5. Damn you're obtuse. I said you made me laugh over your criticism of someone else's source while you then went ahead and quoted Wikipedia and Lancet. I didn't even say your sources were incorrect. I SIMPLY SAID YOU MADE ME LAUGH. Give it a rest.
  6. I very much dislike you and it isn't just that we disagree on most everything. You are a pompous ass that is also very boring. You add no real insights and time after time you simply post clown responses.
  7. Read over my original response to you. I clearly stated that I didn't necessarily disagree with you. To me the wearing of masks is a moot point and refusing to wear one is not a hill I want to die on. I don't even really want to debate it. It's not that ***** important. I specifically told you that you made me laugh by criticizing Foxx's source but quoting Wikipedia and Lancet. Lancet tried to sneak a study in by initially misrepresenting it. When they were caught they had to retract its finding. Wikipedia is not a definitive source. End of conversation.
  8. The problem with Wikipedia as a definitive source is that anyone can edit it. The Lancet posted the findings of a study on Hydroxychloriquine a while back that didn't include zinc. They had to retract it after they were caught. The internet has made things worse..................................................................... and better. It is apparent here at PPP that a whole army of idiots with TDS and without any desire to actually discuss anything, has invaded the place and will continue to post nonsense ad nauseum and then demand that people who object to theirshit prove them wrong. On the other hand the internet has allowed the truly discerning people to research on their own and not rely on the mainstream media to feed us what they want.
  9. Thanks for the laughs. I don't disagree with wearing a mask or that anything you posted was necessarily false but when you admonished Foxx for using his source while quoting Wikipedia and Lancet it felt like a SNL moment.
  10. Don't fall for his childish trap. Air cannot exist since I can't see it, says numbnuts.
  11. You're back to the "Gleeful Gator" moniker. How loud and long will you laugh if our Commander-In-Chief succumbs?
  12. And you wouldn't be concerned with this guy at the wheel?
  13. @BullBuchananHow many times are you going to repeat yourself? From my original link: Seven criminal defense experts with an average of 37 years of practice told The Louisville Courier Journal, part of the USA TODAY Network, earlier this summer that homicide charges against the other two officers were unlikely because they had a right to return fire once Taylor's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired one “warning shot” that police say struck Mattingly in the femoral artery, nearly killing him.
  14. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/09/23/kentucky-self-defense-laws- The grand jury had the option of indicting the officers on any of four degrees of homicide — from reckless homicide to murder, and prominent athletes and celebrities across the country demanded the most serious charge. But the attorneys predicted that would never happen because in Kentucky, a murder conviction requires that a defendant act intentionally to cause a death. In other words, his conscious objective must be to kill someone. To prove the wanton endangerment charges against Hankison, which are each punishable by one to five years in prison, special prosecutors must show that under circumstances demonstrating extreme indifference to the value of human life, he wantonly engaged in conduct that created a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to another person. Cameron said one of the apartments Hankison shot was occupied by a couple and a young child.
  15. Are you just trying to confirm my post? The prosecution didn't find any type of murder charges as appropriate and neither did the grand jury. The reckless endangerment charges were against the detective who fired into the apartment at random.
  16. You tell me, why are you lying?
  17. I certainly didn't call for anyone's death. Why do you Lefties have to lie to try to make your point? Nobody but nobody ever claimed that the virus itself was ever a hoax.
  18. You just recently stated that you hope President Trump dies from the virus. Who else other than you and other Marxists on Twitter are calling for anyone's death?
  19. Maybe we should have that kind of rule here, eh?
  20. You of all people making judgements regarding decorum and humanity. You made fun of another poster here for being the primary caregiver for his 94 year old mother with dementia. Yes, you made fun of a person for loving his mother and then you make up faux outrage over something that rarely happened.
  21. Hey, I handed you your lunch a couple of times too. It was pizza on King's Hawaiian Bread and you liked it so well that you came back a few times to get your lunch handed to you again. I never duplicated it though, just to f with you. PB&J & liverwurst is what you got and you can't remember? https://www.ispot.tv/ad/nJVY/kings-hawaiian-making-sandwiches#:~:text=King's Hawaiian TV Commercial%2C 'Making Sandwiches'. When a,and shaving cream still on the dad's face.
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