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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. "k" and "l" are next to each other on the keyboard so I would guess it was a slip that allowed me to bust your balls. Yes, rib eyes are good. The thicker the better.
  2. Maybe they should look at it like flood insurance, but then again maybe they should examine the recent practices that have made such large areas susceptible to wildfires. So-called environmentalists have led the way to more frequent and substantial fires.
  3. Biden would have done better by not campaigning and staying secluded. The more Hillary campaigned the less likable she became. With Joe, his lack of intelligence became more apparent every time he opened his mouth.
  4. Nearly 60 years too late: Edit: Judy Jetson has a cell phone. Looks like the old gray Motorola flip phone.
  5. Take it easy Andy, where do you think they're going to get the bodies for the sequel to "The Hunt"?
  6. Trump has a ways to go to catch up to Obama, since he's sitting on 26 pardons and commutations.
  7. "MIKE WILL GET IT DONE." What is "IT"? I put that crap in the basket of deplorable slogans such as "YES WE CAN", "I'M WITH HER" and "HOPE AND CHANGE".
  8. That's just not fair that she makes that for a couple of hours and Hunter Biden had to go a whole month to do it.
  9. https://creepingsharia.tumblr.com/post/190782957376/pennsylvanias-first-muslim-female-state-rep-gets?fbclid=IwAR1XFiyyYjxoyU7PfUMnr8Z3_paEMfhDtUddiwqCHq7IsVx7rok9mEyPda0 Movita Johnson-Harrell, a former Pennsylvania state representative, will spend three months in a Philadelphia jail and finish out the year on house arrest for stealing money from her nonprofit. Johnson-Harrell, 53, was sentenced on Thursday after she pleaded guilty to felony charges for spending more than $500,000 in funds from the Motivations Education & Consultation Associates on personal affects like clothing, vacations and real estate, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office said in a news release. “This Philadelphia community would have been in a better place had this former public official invested MECA’s money into the people who needed the care she promised,” Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro said after Johnson-Harrell’s court hearing. The nonprofit serves the homeless, seniors, children, and people with chronic mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse disorders. Johnson-Harrell was recently elected to the Pennsylvania General Assembly. She won a 2019 special election in the 190th Legislative District, which covers parts of West Philadelphia and North Philadelphia. While reacting to the victory, she stated she was the first Muslim woman elected to the Pennsylvania legislature. She resigned from the legislature in December 2019. In addition to her time in jail, Johnson-Harrell will spend eight-and-a-half months on house arrest, eleven-and-a-half months on parole and two years on probation. She also agreed to pay restitution to the nonprofit — including surrendering a property to the state. Johnson-Harrell pleaded guilty to theft by unlawful taking, theft by deception and perjury, which are all felonies. The AG’s office said she pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor charges of tampering with public records. ——————————————- “Her theft knew no bounds,” said Pennsylvania’s attorney general. Criminals of a feather…
  10. Because a pardon and a commutation are "close" to each other.
  11. Are you sure you want this made public? They're sexually active at 4-7 years.
  12. I presume this is on one of Trump's courses. Kid Rock, what's with the shirt without a collar and wearing a watch while playing? Also, what's with the gloves on while putting? I'd throw them both off my course.
  13. Hillary Clinton's law license was suspended in 2002 and she was fired from the House Judiciary Committee's legal team back in Watergate days. The reason for her firing? She fabricated a court ruling in order to meet her narrative. This makes her very qualified for any democrat position but even more so for the chief law enforcement officer for the country. -)
  14. In other words, you didn't make that happen, someone else I made that happen.
  15. Bloomberg's Plan For Social Security Makes Jerry Seinfeld Show Seem About Something https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/what-mike-bloomberg-wants-to-do-to-your-social-security/ar-BB105HBf?li=BBnbfcL What Bloomberg wants Bloomberg set out a four-point plan for Social Security: Consider options for protecting Social Security's finances as well as the benefits of its neediest participants. Provide better minimum benefits for low-income retirees. Change the formula for calculating cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). See more at the link
  16. I've seen a few of Bloomberg's tv ads and they strike me as saying nothing. No specifics and nothing but platitudes. They make me wonder "where's the beef"?
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