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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Communism is so great. I see they're all working for the same goal on that raft.
  2. Start with municipal and state pensions. Then move on to the unicorn mindset that creates projects such as the bullet train. When you're done with that, look at all the unintended consequences of a good share of their policies.
  3. It's really time to convert to "The Fair Tax" but in no way allow for a provision for a value added tax as part of it.
  4. But the questions remains, did Chris get a tingle down his leg?
  5. Frau Klobuchar reminds me of another well known frau.
  6. Warren speaks with forked tongue. Now she says she's going to choose the Secretary of Education? Just the other day she said she was going to have a nine year old transgender do it.
  7. We need to have sensitivity training for all those guns.
  8. What, having one of their big-time donors jailed is a win?
  9. There were a ton more loopholes back then. Every doctor had some sort of real estate investment that lost money on paper only but made for an excellent deduction or credit.
  10. You are correct that the top tax rates were once up to 90%. What you don't say though is that at that time there were so many loopholes that nobody paid anywhere near that rate. Nobody.
  11. You are an ass. You post in a style and manner which makes everyone reluctant to even respond. That your content is just gibberish only makes you less likely to get a response. Don't expect to get any more responses from me unless for some reason I feel like mocking you.
  12. Well, he must have succeeded a lot too. Much of Trump's success is due to the simple fact that he as a businessman approached the presidency in a businesslike manner. The Git-Er-Done President. Most other recent presidents were happy just to be there.
  13. No, Trump had decades of experience in business and negotiating.
  14. That's a poor answer to my question. What life experience makes her qualified to sit in the Oval Office and make important decisions?
  15. Let's see if the judge puts out a gag order to the participants.
  16. Yes, discussing this subject with Tiberius has less of a chance of anything coherent coming out of it than giving a monkey the dictionary and expecting him to write the next great novel. I see he has adopted the Left's way of disguising issues with misleading language. Abortions are really a part of "reproductive rights". Sure, like killing babies is productive.
  17. I was going to respond that AOC would never run for an office in which she actually had to work but then realized that the current mayor has set a precedent in regards to the necessary effort needed to be mayor.
  18. A poor man in the USA today is as wealthy as a rich man 60 years ago. I just spent $300 on a flat screen tv that is much bigger and better than the flat screen I paid $1500 for in 2006. My vehicle is much better than a vehicle that I paid twice as much for 2 decades ago. We have such marvelous inventions such as GPS and smart phones that poor people today all have. With our abundance of natural gas it costs much less to heat my home than it did 15 years ago. I could go on and on but the thing to remember that is most important is that wealth is relative. As far as healthcare goes, remember we here in the USA pay for a vast majority of the world's medical and pharmaceutical research. Generally speaking we don't have long wait periods to see a doctor or rationed care. When you compare our health results to those countries with universal health care you are comparing apples to alligators.
  19. You'll have to forgive HAHA Gator, he was in the middle of folding a towel when he learned of that and of course got completely distracted.
  20. Except Dershowitz didn't change his position by "crossing over". He believes in the Constitution and was standing up for it. Tiberius is not smart enough to see that.
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