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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. HAHA Gator, claims that Iran didn't attack us but seems to forget that a certain Iranian general killed over 600 American service members and wounded many more with his innovative IED's. Iran funds nearly all world terrorism with money given them by Obama. Things evolve and change often Tibby, except maybe your diaper.
  2. So, you starred in "Three in the Attic? Sometimes you don't want what you ask for.
  3. Plus: Read the whole thing. UPDATE: You should be ashamed Chuck......... Democrats playing politics............same as always. . Does this ban mean they aren't touring anymore? My Generation wonders if The Kids Are Alright. We Won't Be Fooled Again.
  4. While you were touring China, Gary Busey claimed he was you.
  5. It's now her connection to Bernie. Radical and free, what more could a good socialist want.
  6. Nobody here has come out against legal immigration and I for one welcome it. They should have something to offer and be vetted thoroughly.
  7. By our very nature we are set up to have a 2 party system. Multi party political systems lend themselves to a parliamentary system where coalitions are common.
  8. He made this same mistake in I think the first debate and Kamala Harris berated him for it.
  9. This is exactly why Trump should not release his tax returns. You (and others) see things in black and white and have no idea if there was nuance or negotiating involved in the proposed budget. As a cherry picking partisan hack all you look for are ways to denigrate the other party rather than viewing the larger picture. Posting links that are behind a paywall again, you cherry picking partisan hack.
  10. Ah, but the fly in the ointment is that China likes to look good and failing to quickly control this virus will give them a black eye. On top of that they had to know that any disruption in supply would make them lose market share and give the opportunity to other countries to cut into their manufacturing base. I just posted a little more about this in the Economy thread.
  11. Exactly. As it pertains to the economy and our long term security as a nation the coronavirus may be a blessing in disguise. Trump was right on the money early in his first term about regaining the ability to produce steel here in the USA for national security reasons. There are other items like you mentioned with pharmaceuticals. There probably should be a review regarding critical products and if we're producing them ourselves. If we're not producing them then we need to consider incentives for the private sector to start producing them in the U.S. Not only will it make us more secure but it'll boost our economy and reduce our trade deficit.
  12. I suspect the help you got along the way had something to do with the people doing the help seeing something in you that made you worth helping. Good post.
  13. He's only been a communist for 3 days. Prior to that he was against Bernie because he didn't think he could win and he would cause damage down ticket. Now he's a Bernie Bro, but in actuality he's just a run of the mill tumbleweed.
  14. Russia is testing NATO's resolve by going after its erstwhile member, Turkey. Remember, Turkey purchased a missile defense system (S-400) from Russia awhile back, much to the consternation of NATO. They're stirring the pot and doing so at a time when the world is distracted.
  15. The dems have been so bad politically that I would describe it as the equivalent of striking out in T-Ball.
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