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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You're as humorless as that trans guy from Hawaii. It was a ***** joke. We all know that when it comes to close races the democrats have the distinct ability to conjure up the needed votes in the recount. Lighten up.
  2. And if people die from her actions?
  3. People on the lower end of the wage scale have seen their wages grow the most. Fracking is alive and well in MI, OH and PA and has not only improved the environment but provided many jobs in the energy business along with the jobs servicing that industry. Sanders is not going to find much support in those states.
  4. Ah, they have Lefty vote counters there too?
  5. You mean kissing his husband/wife in public is frowned upon?
  6. He asked a ***** question and then deferred to the experts. Some of you guys are unbelievable.
  7. Come to find out that that thrill running up his leg was directed at one of the many associates that he was sexually harassing.
  8. If Joe Biden wins maybe the investigation into my treason will go away--John Brennan.
  9. I don't think they had the ability to community test on a large scale until just recently. Those people who argue that were most likely the same people complaining about the travel bans being racist. Face it, no matter what Trump does the Left will find fault. He could cure cancer and they would say he didn't do it soon enough.
  10. I wonder what the odds are on a democrat black woman being picked for VP?
  11. Seriously? His comments were clearly politically driven. China hid the coronavirus as long as they could and caused the virus to sneak up on the rest of the world. For most healthy people it most likely seemed no worse than a cold or the flu. The question to ask is if once we knew of the virus how did we react?
  12. I don't get why you think Trump might not pay appropriate attention to this situation. So far it certainly looks like he is.
  13. So, you want what you consider bad things to happen to U.S. citizens so that it gives "your side" election issues? You sure that's not the only issue? Maybe you want bad things to happen to our citizens so that you can laugh loudly?
  14. Now you've gone and done it. Why the hell would you make Tiberius plural?
  15. Is there anything that Obama did that wasn't unconstitutional? He took shortcuts in nearly everything he did. He wouldn't put the work in to turning his agenda into law except for the ACA which he lied and bribed to get passed.
  16. Yes, but when he makes claims like Trump called the coronavirus a hoax it's pretty disingenuous. Opposing opinions are fine, but just tell the ***** truth!
  17. Blue Star, now where have I heard of that before?
  18. As if Tiberius needs to be told what to do!
  19. I've found in my years on this planet that if you don't lie you don't have much to worry about. Someone can make this claim or that claim against me and as long as I'm not a liar I know instinctively what the truth is.
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