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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The very structure of the Shoutbox makes it difficult to have reasoned discussions. It attracts the segment of TSW with an attention span of of a gnat. I view it as the kiddie table here.
  2. Weak sauce defense. He was defending pedophiles at least from a distance. Several posters made fun of DR's abhorrence of sex trafficking and pedophilia. Most were like BillSlime, just posting his disagreement for the hell of it. We can be pretty well assured that no pedophile gave 3rd Chair a retainer but I've see a lot of weaker cases trying to be made here.
  3. I don't think I've seen anything definitive stating that DR was actually banned. I'm hoping that he was one of the 30-day suspensions.
  4. Normally I think you'd try to stay away from putting your whole hand up there. Too soon? Good guess.
  5. I think he was referring to his defense of pedophiles here. He's one of those who pooh-poohed every mention of sex trafficking and pedophilia.
  6. Crayonz.
  7. Greg was always stashing something that didn't really belong in the threads he did the stashing in and he wanted to read it later. I started the Greg's Stashes thread more as a post- all thread for miscellaneous stuff. It's turned into a thread that actually helps keep other threads on course (sure).
  8. What kind of a fantasy land is this? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/eric-holder-barr-has-weaponized-doj/ar-BB19L7NN?li=BBnb7Kz Obama's self proclaimed "wingman" is out of his mind.
  9. Be careful what you ask for. He could easily take your crown away from you.
  10. Back a few years ago there was at least one article about twobillsdrive. I'd try searching that and The Stadium Wall, Sabrespace and The Aud Club or ask SDS what he has.
  11. Scott has had articles written about him in the Buffalo News so I wonder where this came from?
  12. CD's are considered old fashioned? And to think I just bought 150 of the best love songs from the 60's and 70's on the recommendations of Bobby Vinton and Leslie Gore. They had me when they mentioned I could pay for them in 5 easy payments.
  13. 3rd Chair, jealous that I belong to a much larger mutual admiration society of respectable people while he gets to slum with Gary, Kemp & BillSlime. Obviously not a very high bar as we learned in 2009.
  14. You might want to do a little research before making posts like the above. Out of 10705 reactions to my posts, 98.9% of them have been positive. I'd say that it makes you look rather foolish but I just think of it as a confirmation of your foolishness.
  15. Look who gives you the thumbs up vs who gives me positive responses. You are admired by the likes of Gary. Do I need to say more? As a (supposed) attorney you don't know the value of keeping silent. You have to respond to everything, leaving your flanks devoid of protection. The fact that you never got past 3rd Chair status is because no one wants you speaking up for them. It's as if Hamilton Burger was your mentor.
  16. It's obvious where you are coming from and what you want to impart. My posts in this thread haven't been about politics per se, but about the terrible quality of the posts and posters recently. There's a reason you can't see the difference List Boy. Your brainless responses to others put you right there with one whole foot and 2 toes in with the Trash Posters.
  17. My recollection is that it's been quite a bit longer than that. He used to go under the name of "Greggy T" and possibly another version of Greg. I know I've been on this board for about 13 years and can remember posting here at Sabrespace when I was on the road and looking for a good local place to watch the Sabres. I can also remember posting something political on either Sabrespace or TSW and Lori gently directed me to PPP. "Greggy T" and I got into it a bit early on regarding political correctness and race relations. BTW, he was open about the name change. Anyway, the issue regarding DR is what it is. He certainly may not be innocent and may very well deserve to get a good smack around. His suspension or banning seems rather harsh for someone who has been hounded incessantly by a group of posters who have invaded this place spewing total nonsense with the intention of driving posters away and making this place uninhabitable. This place is losing good long term posters, not because DR was naughty and is being punished, but because thread after thread has been filled by nonsense from posters who not only don't give a damn about this place, but would just as soon see it torn down.
  18. You are absolutely correct. When I first started posting here Greggy T and I went after each other over race relations and political correctness. He has evolved from the Hollywood liberal that he was then to a more pragmatic sometimes moderate, sometimes conservative but always a person who despised the deep state establishment. He is/was passionate about the scourge of sex trafficking and pedophilia. He often spoke out against those terrible practices and always had posters like Gary making fun of him for it. Gary was by far the biggest culprit. The issue is not DR but the sheer amount of trash posters here now who have no desire to discuss but all the desire in the world to disrupt and tear this place down. DR most likely has contributed more here than anyone else. It would be a shame to lose him here. Here's a question for people: What came first, DR's first suspension or the invasion of trash posters? How does a person post here for well over a decade without (I presume) any suspensions but then get in trouble twice in the matter of 2 months? What has changed?
  19. So now you're going to lie about it? You were admonished by several people here for your lack of even a whiff of class. It was gone over numerous times and your original comment had been deleted but we found that you had been quoted by another poster and your comments were saved for eternity. When confronted you then claimed that I wasn't quoting your entire comments but that was just your way of weaseling out of your original comments. All you needed to do was to fess up and admit you were wrong and this would have went away. Your attempted coverup and subsequent denials will most likely follow you around here like Gleeful Gator's making fun of the deaths in Benghazi.
  20. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  21. Read over what you stated in the what I quoted. It was not an unrelated conversation. "Apparently understanding what free speech is and is not is a really hard concept for the right to grasp. You think it allows you to say and do anything you want on a private message board."
  22. This from the guy who wants President Trump to die from Covid-19.
  23. When someone tells you so plainly what he is, believe him. If you have a problem with PPP, don't come here and spew your horror and distaste about the place. Just stay away and don't come here to try to press your cancel culture on everybody else.
  24. Much like it was beyond you comprehension to understand why it was a terrible thing for you to make fun of Wacka for being the primary caregiver for his 94 year old mother with dementia, you have failed to grasp the real issues here. This forum is SDS's. It's his to run the way he pleases and our choice to come here or not. With that said, PPP was created for a reason and that reason was to keep political talk out of TSW. The demise of PPP would be harmful to TSW by letting political talk slip into the various conversations. We all know that political talk lights fires like no other. In the past several months this sub forum has been swamped with cancel culture posters. Their goal is not to discuss and learn but to disrupt and tear down. They want to make this place so uninhabitable that the serious posters go away (Left or Right) or the discourse turns so nasty that it gets shut down. This whole kerfuffle is not really about DR. His banning or suspension is just the culmination of the flooding of this sub forum with people purposefully trying to tear it down. Let's ask ourselves one question. DR has been around here for many years. Has he been in the habit of getting warning points or suspensions prior to the last 2-3 months? What has changed? I'll tell you what has changed, a bevy of new posters put a target on DR because he was/is uniquely qualified via time and experience to research and disseminate information that happens to make the establishment look bad. We here have been fortunate to have him lead the way on feeding us the information 2-3 years ago that is just now coming out in the mainstream news. Long term good posters have either left or will leave because relatively new posters are trying to set new rules and control this sub forum. These people didn't come here for TSW. They deliberately came here to ***** with PPP and force their cancel culture on posters that have been around a long time. Is this what we want?
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