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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Old time curing agent for hides and such. Even so, there'd never be enough piss to cure Tiberius of what ails him.
  2. ***** you. Please don't respond to me anymore. I'd hate to catch the swine flu from you.
  3. Well, I don't see any boxes that I'd like to check in that bunch. I almost said maybe Tulsi's, but then remembered why she reminded me of that old Seinfeld episode when Jerry had misgivings about his new girlfriend, who seemed to wear the same outfit every day. Does Tulsi have any clothes that aren't a white pantsuit?
  4. Stop. You don't have to keep trying so hard. You've got a big lead on Gary and your trophy is not in danger. Some people have such a weak case of the virus that they don't even know they have it and it will run its course on its own.
  5. Read the quote you quoted. I know, it's a 50/50 chance that you'll get the fact that you are misrepresenting what he said.
  6. Saw that last night. Had it on in the background while doing a little work. Was really looking for a certain economics professor to respond but you do a good job of filling in for that MIA Tom, who invariably would spring every ***** trap I ever set for anyone! ?
  7. Missed that. Do you have a link?
  8. Looks like when she does she's going to do it with real anger. She'll not only hit it but actually bludgeon it to death.
  9. The above post got me to thinking. Anybody that's been here at least a year will understand my concerns. If a dog can catch the coronavirus from a human shouldn't Boyst's whole herd be tested?
  10. Bernie SupportersDon’t think of it as “losing”. Think of it as having your hopes and dreams redistributed for the common good of all Democrats, equally.
  11. Trump never said that. Get your facts straight or provide a link.
  12. That still doesn't mean that the coronavirus isn't extremely serious.
  13. I could feel this coming. Reminds me of the movie Maverick with Jody Foster and Mel Gibson, the Russian prince and his desire to hunt "Indians". Mini Mike hit his target.
  14. Joe Biden stated emphatically to (I believe) Chris Wallace on Sunday that he was not a moderate but as progressive as anyone in the race for the democrat nomination. He should be running for president in the Chameleon Party.
  15. Gee, maybe the fear of a Sanders victory has lessened somewhat and given investors a little hope. Healthcare stocks have improved dramatically.
  16. I didn't mean for it to sound like you did. If Joe ever picked Hillary and she accepted, your scenario would be a good one for the Right to spread. Might even be more effective than the Mitt causing cancer or the Harry Reid "it worked didn't it" lies. Hoisted on their own petard comes to mind.
  17. Some of us here for years have been promoting the use of natural gas to bridge the way into other renewable energy sources. Whether that bridge lasts 10 years or a 100 years it is a viable solution to reducing our carbon imprint. Fracking just made this a lot more viable. Not only that but the success of fracking has made us energy independent and a net supplier of energy to the world. As an added (big one) benefit it reduces the energy factor from our considerations in regards to the Middle East and gives us a club to use when Russia starts theirshit. Life is good.
  18. So far Joe has been considered by a lot of people as likable but dumb and corrupt. Bringing Hillary into his campaign diminishes the likability part and doubles down on the dumb and corrupt part.
  19. That's a shame, I'll have to do something about it Mr. I Hope The Coronavirus Spreads In Iran. ***** off and take your gibberish with you.
  20. I suspect you've had a lot of experience with pills. Maybe even some glue.
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