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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The the coronavirus will of course have an affect on the stock market and on the general economy. The concern didn't just start on March 1st though. Trump closed the borders to China in late January, so there's some affect from February. The question is as it pertains to the stock market, when to buy? As soon as investors gain some real faith that things are under control the markets should boom. You attribute Trump's successful battling of the virus to his concern for the stock market and economy and not the well being of our people. Must be nice to be able to look into a person's heart like that. Your TDS is strong and you are letting that influence your thinking.
  2. Hey, Trump made that farmer in China eat the bat that started all of this.
  3. There was a time when I'd have enjoyed running into a female that dumb. Reminds me of a joke having to do with a cop and a breathalyzer.
  4. This was being discussed here for the last 3 years. I remember posting about the subterfuge used to get the meeting and the subsequent walking out of that meeting when Don Jr. learned what the deep state was trying to do with their Russian bad actors. The Left here at PPP tried to ridicule me for my posts. They have one hell of a lot of egg on their faces.
  5. Sorta falls in line with that uneducated Trump guy and his "hunch".
  6. Gleeful Gator laughs till his sides hurt.
  7. Don't discount that January numbers were adjusted upward by 80,000 too.
  8. With her Indian heritage she never should have had that beer.
  9. What a bunch of bunk. The Left ripped on Trump for closing our borders to China and you admit now that you can't criticize him for that. OK, can you praise him for his foresight in doing so? Who said they weren't preparing for it here? Do you have any links to support your speculation? You are conflating Trump calling the virus a hoax with what he really said, that all the media and Left's lies are a hoax. You are perpetuating the hoax by pulling shitoutofyourass. Speculation on your part is just further proof of how deep your TDS goes.
  10. I heard that Trump told the little guy to get back to work.
  11. Now your just repeating the same stuff the Leftist media fed you. Early on he closed the border to the Chinese. The Left criticized him for being racist towards Asians and being an alarmist. I'll criticize him if he doesn't review where our critical products are coming from and find a way to have them made here.
  12. From your link: The college Code of Conduct expressly states that “consent once given may be withdrawn at any time,” but Sally tried to withdraw her consent after the encounters, as judged by her messages to John, he says. Consent goes both ways. Oh the 2 at 10 vs. the 10 at 2 saying.
  13. As a country we can't afford to have him as President. He's never been very intelligent but he made up for that by being indecisive and lacking character. He's always been ineffectual and a cheat. Now dementia or alzheimers is setting in and we don't need some cabal or the VP making decisions in the WH.
  14. And to think I thought all along that you just had a mild case of TDS. He was referring to deaths per thousand and said that it can't be accurately determined because there are so many mild cases of it that many people have no reason to think they have it and will go on living their life as usual. That includes going to work. There has been no lack of response and in so saying you are supporting the dems and MSM hoax. Congratulations on spreading panic.
  15. Just now while discussing Lizzy Warren leaving the presidential race, Greg Gutfeld said he was sorry for her since it was the second time she's had to leave a race.
  16. I question this footage. Where are the man buns?
  17. "Female Candidate" is a weird way to spell "F**king Shrew".
  18. I have the tape from a costume party:
  19. It's obvious that she's waiting to see who is going to get the nomination before she endorses either of them. She said today that she hoped for a 3rd lane between Bernie and Joe but found out there wasn't one. In other words she's keeping her options open and hoping to be the VP choice of whoever wins.
  20. I walked into a bar (no, it's not a joke) a couple days ago and sat down next to a guy I sorta know and on the other side of him was a guy I know better. After the perfunctional repartee about how badly the Sabres are doing the tv news mentioned the coronavirus and the guy next to me stated that Trump called it a hoax. I asked him where he heard that and he said it was all over the news. After setting him straight, the 3rd guy who is a flaming liberal and a little (actually) nuts chimed in and agreed with me and then went on a rant about not being able to trust anything the MSM comes up with. Moral of the story to me was if that guy could see that with his very liberal tendencies then there may be actual hope for others.
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