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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Tiberius, Chief Cheerleader for a recession. I wonder what's happening in the rest of the world as it pertains to the virus and the market or are these only limited to the U.S.? The media was basically calling him mentally challenged since shortly after he got in the race. That's besides the decade long mocking of him for his gaffes, plagiarism and singing gig for The Villages.
  2. A sad state of affairs when people would knowingly vote for a person for President that would need to have his hand held just to get through the day.
  3. I just bought a tanker full of oil at the 50% off table. I might pick up another on red dot Wednesday if things keep going this way. On another note Nancy Pelosi just blamed everything on the White House. "The market has no confidence in the White House". She and Hillary are neck and neck for the C U Next Tuesday/2020 award.
  4. Who knows if Rivera will still run the same defense that they ran in Carolina? Maybe Norman just wanted out, eh? Maybe Snyder just couldn't stand him? We just don't know, do we?
  5. The return of the Deep State. They're salivating.
  6. Not even original enough to come up with your own insults.
  7. No, George W Bush did not do the same things. That's ludicrous. Bush occasionally mispronounced something, but Biden's mind goes blank frequently. FYI Biden used to be a fairly good speaker and debater but has progressively gotten worse. What would he be like as President?
  8. Does the "bigger picture" include campaigning for someone with cognitive issues for President of the United States? One would think that if Bernie were to do that he would be putting his partisanship and/or bias ahead of his country.
  9. Don't conflate bad posting with being a bad drunk. Per your admission earlier.?
  10. BREAKING NEWS: Anonymous sources discover tension in the Middle East. Some say Iran is causing conflict.
  11. Nothing is free. The debate should be whether tax money is used for vaccination purposes.
  12. Why agree with me by being disagreeable? I simply said that Josh has to get a lot closer on his deep throws for the WR to even help. I have faith that he will get better because of his work effort. I'm not so sure how my statement might have some truth to it but be "false for sure" like you implicated.
  13. No WR is going to help Josh improve much on the long ball. He's not missing the receivers by a yard or so but by 5 yard overthrows. Josh needs to find a way to get better on those throws himself. When he gets close, then the WR can help him.
  14. It goes without saying. If only you had realized that before posting.
  15. So, they now get you to pack your own groceries too. The self serve checkouts haven't taken over Wegman's yet but they'll go the same way as Walmart. Someday the pendulum will swing back and someone will come up with the bright idea of giving super service instead of the nonsense we have now.
  16. Do you have to ask for plastic bags at the meat counter? The Wegmans I frequent has an attended counter for better cuts of meat and seafood but the chicken is in the coolers along the back of the store that are all self serve. I bring up chicken because that's the worst offender of them all. There's no question in my mind that they're trying to force us to bring our own but it's a fool's game. What if the person ahead of you in the checkout has contaminated bags and you put yours down in the same place?
  17. A couple years too late to mess up the Astros' little plan, eh?
  18. Why does the subject of PPP's debauchery and sliminess only come up when someone from TSW or Shoutbox, who is a flaming liberal/Commie Pinko Freak, that likes to rotate his screen names, complains about us and tries to get a mod to put us in a corral of his choosing? Next he'll try to re-litigate the Trayvon Martin case.
  19. One unintended consequence after another. We now have to pay a nickle a paper bag that decades ago used to be free. Well, actually not free but built into the cost. They want us to convert to reusable bags that we bring back to the grocery store time after time. How many times can you purchase that pack of chicken thighs before that bag gets permanently contaminated? Dead fall in our forests used to be used to produce pulp that was used to make paper bags. Can anyone think of the consequences of not clearing that dead fall? While we're at it why not open our borders and let everyone but the most serious criminals out of jail with no bail?
  20. Kamala is just vying to be Joe's VP/Anxiety Reliever candidate.
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