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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Not sure if she's making a speech or conducting an orchestra.
  2. The most qualified candidate ever? The way she gets money from other countries she could succeed where Trump failed and get Mexico to pay for the wall and an addition to her home in Chappaqua.
  3. Ah, the slight difference in wording. Biden admirably served as Obama's assassination insurance while he now serves as his own assassination assurance if he picks Cankles.
  4. AOC must be in a coma with her criticism of someone else getting roasted everyday. I'd have liked to see her on the dais with a Don Rickles making fun of her. Don would actually be telling the truth.
  5. So, what you're saying is that you won't vote at all, increasing the chances for the person with dementia to become our president?
  6. Yes, that's true but the dems still complain when people get taken off food stamps, not because the government is mean but because their circumstances have improved with the economic improvement.
  7. I don't understand why you of all people HAHA Gator have a problem with the airlines going under. Eliminating air travel is one of the bedrocks of the Green New Deal, which you have enthusiastically supported. Have you changed your mind?
  8. Since you're a commie you probably don't have a dime yourself unless it was at first someone else's dime. That's not because of oil prices you ninny. It's because some practices in China were not healthy and China hid the outbreak from the world.
  9. If you haven't noticed that the rising economy has raised wages at the lower end because of supply and demand created by that same hot economy that was in turn created by the tax cuts and elimination of silly and duplicate regulations. We don't need a weaker military like it was with Obama when we didn't have spare parts even for our equipment. Oh, and you don't want Supreme Court justices that adhere to the Constitution?
  10. Trump is more engaged with the Presidency than Obama ever was, by a factor of
  11. When I read that I somehow thought of Warden Norton & his various schemes.
  12. Maybe this should go in the thread about Russia influencing our elections but it's appropriate here too. Time will tell about Saudi Arabia also. Russia gave the old FU to the Saudis when asked to reduce their production of oil in order to keep prices stable. Saudi Arabia raised their production in response. Prices dropped dramatically. Our stock market (and the world's) tumbles and everyone on the left blames Trump. We know that the virus has hurt the economy but that will come back around when people feel safe enough to travel and congregate again. The point is that Russia is cutting off their nose in order to spite us. We ran the old Soviet Union out of money, maybe it will be time soon to do that to Russia.
  13. My guess is it probably wouldn't help him.
  14. I don't wish ill on anyone but she sure tempts that premise.
  15. Don't even bother trying to charge me rent for me living in that dilapidated, moldy place you call your head.
  16. Say it ain't so, Joe. Rumor has it that "Brainless Joe Biden" once played for the Kiev White Sox and was caught up in some kind of scandal. Whispers have something to do with throwing foreign policy.
  17. So, you're ok with electing someone who can't do the job just because he's a democrat?
  18. I think I'll tune in to see them sit instead of stand. -)
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