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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Looks like a draft of a House Bill directed at the coronavirus is smack full of liberal goodies attached. I guess they are saying that if Trump wants to protect America he has to pay them off.
  2. True to form, you leftists get all political and then claim people on the right are at fault for defending against your bias. Did Trump call the virus a hoax?
  3. Yes, to wipe TPS off your ass you need a little TP. There was a time when you actually had some standards and your posts showed that. Not so much anymore.
  4. You just don't get it do you? You leftists love to actually try to pin what you do on others.
  5. I heard he asked to be quarantined on a deserted island with Wilson.
  6. Is the Pope Catholic? They haven't announced it yet but I'm sure they will.
  7. Do you have any idea why so many in Iran's leadership are dying from the coronavirus? They are all old *****.
  8. Ah, but it's now time to let Nancy & Chuck go to work.
  9. Nothing wrong with disagreeing. You aren't a dumbass about it so civil discussion is possible.
  10. You dumbass, Trump never said those things. You are part of the problem.
  11. To choose the VP based on sex* gender and race is foolish. The VP should be someone who is in general agreement with the potential president and is capable of taking over if necessary. * I didn't want to give Kamala a legs up.
  12. From the start of the news of the coronavirus the Left has been criticizing Trump and his administration's response. At first he was being draconian by closing our borders to people from countries where the virus was widespread. Then when he appointed Pence to head up the response team he was criticized for not picking a medical person. After that it was just a litany of criticism about everything to do with fighting this virus. Trump calls the criticism a hoax and the dems and media claim over and over that Trump called the virus a hoax. Those of you that are saying Trump is being political about this are fullofshit. It never fails. Lefties always accuse the right of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. FU to those of you who are just here to spread your leftistvirus.
  13. Well, you've already stated that you've been here before but with a different name. I figured you had to be Baskin since I didn't think anyone else could be as dumb as him. God forbid you're not Baskin. If that's the case the world is a lot dumber than I thought.
  14. You are clearly delusional. Maybe he just needs to drink. He didn't stutter during his "Villages" song. Maybe slurred a little.
  15. Supposedly about 4 million with more on the way. Reports I've heard is that there were enough available from the start that nobody that needed the test was denied. Shitlikethis is what happens when people want to politicize things when politics are the last thing that should enter into the situation. Baskin, your time away has made you even more of an idiot.
  16. He mentioned the politics of the issue and the politics have been all on the left, Baskin.
  17. A few thousand test kits? You badly need an update to your information.
  18. Horseshit. Trump has been on this since at least January with shutting down our borders and putting a response team together. You're still on your "hoax" bs even though you know that it never was true. Now, if we get it under control it will be because of the states but if we have problems it will be because of Trump.
  19. I agree with you regarding the bolded. Pelosi, Schumer, other dems and the MSM are making it political though by criticizing the administration's effort. Trump and his team appear to have been on top of this as soon as it became apparent there was a problem. The dems think they can turn this into Trump's Katrina and are almost gleefully exploiting that.
  20. Throughout Trump's presidency he has shown not only a great deal of transparency but displayed a level of engagement not seen in my lifetime. He tackles all of the major issues head on and discusses them to some degree in front of the cameras, for all to see. He runs the meetings he holds like a CEO, soliciting suggestions but directing the action. I know he gets a lot of criticism for some of his statements or musings but he's constantly under the microscope because of his impressive amount of transparency. Like him or not, he's doing the job even with the fierce opposition of the dems, Never Trumpers/establishment and MSM. A lesser man would be babbling like a Biden.
  21. Do you realize you are asking a person who is promoting "Early Stage Joe" if he understands something more than rudimentary survival skills ie. breathing and eating?
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