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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Not at all. GG is correct that the longer it lasts the higher probability of a downturn. If there were to be a big breakthrough soon regarding the virus the market would come roaring back because the confidence would be there. The GDP is another thing. It will reflect how long and how deep the supply issues go on.
  2. Has anyone considered the difficulty Joe Biden will have if he ever goes out on the campaign trail again? Sure, he'll keep his 6' space from other people.
  3. Has anyone considered what shutting down March Madness will do to Obama's brackets?
  4. I wonder if she'll attach a Medicare for all or a payoff of all student debt provision buried in it somewhere?
  5. Yes, but those recessions came about because of a weak economy which this isn't.
  6. Decades ago NYC was blacked out for several days and the births that happened 9 months later were a phenomenal amount.
  7. Did Trump call the virus a hoax or did the Left and MSM make that up by misrepresenting what he said? Did Trump say it was ok to go to work with the virus or did the Left make that up by misrepresenting what he said?
  8. Remember the actual economy was/is very strong other than this blip. If/when the virus gets under control it will be one hot market.
  9. After getting his brain, they aborted the abortion.
  10. People say Biden's stuttering is the problem. I think it's more like he says something stupid and then just continues to repeat himself.
  11. TH3 thinks that everything should be shut down and locked up and of course all trading and business curtailed in order to get the stock market to believe in what Trump is doing, so that it will hit new levels. Sure, that's how things work.
  12. What's the problem? Italy's government is going to cover everything for its populace.
  13. An American doctor, who has been practicing medicine in Italy for 40 years has been getting her information about the USA from sources with a political agenda. "Then there’s the politics of an election year. Our real experts on the science and the handling of epidemics, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, are being sidelined and even muzzled, while the coronavirus task force is run by Vice-President Mike Pence, who as governor of Indiana suggested the best response to the state’s HIV epidemic was prayer."
  14. Just watching that excerpt shows Lemon is more interested in hearing himself talk than his guest.
  15. Yes, modify an AR-15 slightly so you can call your weapon an AR-14 or "AN ANGRY JOE". Marketing genius.
  16. You are not being very truthful here. Pence overrode Indiana law in order to allow for the needle exchange. Injecting rumors, innuendo and NYT's opinions about something 5 years ago into today's crisis smacks purely of political bias. We all know that the coronavirus is a crisis and we were all in a way blindsided by it. Action was taken quickly here in the U.S. as far as restricting entry and we are now extending those restrictions to Europe, mainly due to their lack of stringent rules or response there. Who here has disagreed with the good practices needed to attempt to avoid the virus and limit its spread? I'm sure we are in agreement regarding that. What I don't agree with are the political attacks on the Trump administration regarding the actions and the misrepresentations of what he has said. I object to the politicizing of the administration's efforts that is coming from the Left and the MSM. If this wasn't such a serious issue it would be humorous. You guys objecting to our objections of you guys making this political.
  17. Ha! What OJ doesn't know is that Al Cowlings has the virus.
  18. 4+4= 85? He must have went to math class with Mara Gay.
  19. Maybe it's time to come up with a show about nothing or a bar where everyone knows your name?
  20. Did Trump say it was ok to go to work even if you had the virus?
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