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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I hate to use these words, it seems like they are way overused here at PPP but your charges above are not only fake, but hoaxes. If one has to lie to try to prove their point then they have nothing.
  2. A couple of observations. English may not be Melania's second language. It might be her 3rd, 4th or fifth language. My recollection is that Melania used a phrase that Michelle first used but didn't plagiarize a whole speech like Biden did. My reasons for not voting for Biden are varied. He was never the sharpest pencil in the box but he's now suffering serious cognitive issues. He's incompetent in that he's always been on the wrong side of the issues. Look at his siding with Black Lives Matter and Antifa when he was the originator of a bill basically treating blacks more severely than whites as it pertains to prison sentences. He has no backbone and can and will be bullied by the likes of AOC, Bernie and Kamala. He and his family are corrupt and have received money from Ukraine and China. Those are just a few of the reasons.
  3. Don't spike the ball or count your chickens before they hatch. Speaking of chickens, you might just end up with egg on your face.
  4. Not exactly. Unemployment levels went down but the best part of that was that included more full time jobs. Unemployment numbers can be construed or misconstrued and played with as we've seen. My recollection is that during the Obama years the unemployment rates were nearly always revised upward at a later date while Trump's economic news seemed to always look better after a revision. Regardless, the real thermometer to test the economy is simply what is happening with wages.
  5. From social media: We all know Joe Biden is running for President along with his running mate Kamala Harris. Both of them continually refuse to take a stand regarding these issues: Packing the Supreme Court Eliminating the Electoral College Doing away with the filibuster in the Senate While eliminating the Electoral College would be very difficult packing the SCOTUS and eliminating the Senate filibuster could happen very easily. No matter what your political beliefs are the accomplishment of any of these goals is harmful to our republic. The very fact that they refuse to tell us what they would do is very telling. You may not like President Trump and I'll admit that I often shudder with what comes out of his mouth, but he's been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He campaigned in 2016 on what he would do, won the election based on those sentiments and proceeded to fulfill his promises as President. I encourage anyone reading this to make your election decision based on policies not on people who are well practiced in slight-of-hand. This administration's foreign policy is very much on target. We have Iran in check who just happens to be the biggest promoter of terrorism in the world. After spending the $1.8 billion in cash and the $150 billion of funds released to them by the previous administration they are now out of money to give to terrorist groups. China is being checked for their spying and stealing of our trade and military secrets. Domestically Trump has steered our economy into robust growth, extremely low unemployment and greatly increased wages. (this of course was prior to the virus that was set upon us deliberately by China.) We've managed to this point to get through Covid-19 even with the idiocy of people like Cuomo, De Blasio, Wolfe, Newsome and Whitmer. Initial projections by the scientists were for 2,000,000 deaths while we just recently passed 200,000. Again, please set long term alliances aside and actually think about what is the best path for our country. If you agree, by all means feel free to share this.
  6. Did you get rid of those threads?
  7. Hey Transplant, why don't you answer my question to you? After the Trump tax cuts did revenue to the federal government go up or down? No, he didn't eliminate the deduction but limited it. People in states that had ridiculously high taxes were affected.
  8. Did revenues go up after the tax cuts? How about spending, did that go up?
  9. @Buffalo_Gal I'm sorry for your loss:
  10. Does anyone know what happened to 3rd Chair's thread regarding Trump's life being saved with an abortion?
  11. One would think you'd know better than to ask a question like this. Unless 3rd Chair is sticking sand up his ass there's no chance his head is getting anywhere near sand.
  12. I heard earlier in the day that Dear Leader Nancy stated that she would support an airline stand alone bill, but only if it was part of a larger bill. I thought to myself that I must have misheard it, since it sounded so ridiculous. Later this afternoon I heard the same thing. In other words: I support a stand alone bill but only if it's a comprehensive bill. This my friends is the most influential woman in the world.
  13. List Boy, reverting to his old, sophomoric fallback because he's got nuthin'.
  14. No, sucking is not in my repertoire, unlike your VP candidate.
  15. Seriously? Are you joking?
  16. So, you somehow feel compelled to use my language in order to appear competent? Do you actually think that making vague and empty criticisms is somehow proof of anything? You admitted to coming here to improve your debating skills. While that may have been true, you have failed miserably to do so. It is now apparent why your company has kept you in 3rd Chair status, away from anything that would shine a light on them.
  17. I don't know where you have been but this is exactly what Trump has been saying.
  18. Wiping down the equipment is not working out.
  19. FIFY. And it wasn't the first time. Ah, I see you've been taking posting lessons from Tiberius.
  20. Well, that's certainly some definitive reasons. The ABA stated that he was lazy and unqualified among dozens of other things? You're lacking in specifics and your post is horseshit.
  21. Late to this thread. Are you actually criticizing Trump for filling the judgeships that Obama/Biden were incapable of filling? Seriously, you thought making a comment like the above was better than keeping your mouth shut?
  22. You worry about wasting time but then bother to write the post above instead of just saying "I like my head in the sand".
  23. You have no clue. He found a barrel of nuts and was able to line them up in order.
  24. Not rambling, well said. Well said also.
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