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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. They have one for cracked feet too which is excellent. Stock tip: invest in companies like O"Keeffe's or Gold Bond.
  2. It's all coming out now. There's no virus, it's a government scam to put CNN into bankruptcy.
  3. I suspected that it was not law but bs in order to squeeze out another nickle or two from their customers. I'm still absolutely against reusable bags which are nothing but oversized petri dishes.
  4. Did you hear Schumer's press conference this morning? It is his opinion that everything being done to fight the coronavirus has been because of Congress and done in spite of Trump.
  5. Not so sure if that was even possible. Trump was proactive with shutting down our borders to China and got a bunchofshit from the dems. The dems haven't supported real action (pro- active) until it became the popular thing to do. Now they are trying to take credit for being the catalyst for the actions being taken. There's enough credit and blame to go around but if kept in perspective we are light years ahead of how the swine flu was handled. As far as panic goes, that has been encouraged by asswipes with an agenda. "Never let a crisis go to waste".
  6. Would you have the same attitude if it was Cal Worthington Ford?
  7. I was told by the clerk at a liquor store that the NY law says they have to charge for the bags. That doesn't seem quite right.
  8. The unintended consequences of not having disposable grocery bags are enormous. These cloth bags that one would bring over and over to the grocery store are rife for causing germs to be spread at the checkout counters and to other customers. Raw chicken is transported in them for Heavens sake. I have made the decision to not bring my own bags to the store but pay for the paper bags.
  9. From the comments: I heard though the grapevine that the CoronaVirus is supposed to be testifying against @HillaryClinton I thought I should let her know just in case you KNOW! Let’s see how this play out! I wonder what will happen ?
  10. Who knew that Trump has two shemales on his team?
  11. Sure, I'm always acing those online tests that only 1% can get 8 out of 10 on. I even picked out the correct spelling and use of two, to, too, and tutu.
  12. He's been sounding perfectly reasonable at his press conferences today.
  13. You misspelled it, it is 3rdnlng---3rd and long for those 99% who have difficulty reading the paragraph backwards or seeing the number in the background.
  14. Do you sometimes get accused of being Captain Obvious?
  15. BillsFanNC above explained it better than I could. It's not available to everyone that wants one. It's available to everyone who needs one. What does it take to get that through your thick skull?
  16. Andrew Cuomo praised the cooperation of the federal government today in a press conference and specifically stated that there were plenty of test kits but requested of Pence to allow the test to be performed in state and private labs. Pence is taking it under consideration. Seems like there are some regulations presently against the private and state testing. I didn't think it was possible but you are really making yourself dumber each time you post.
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