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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. https://nypost.com/2020/03/14/using-tote-bags-instead-of-plastic-could-help-spread-the-coronavirus/?utm_source=facebook_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site+buttons&utm_campaign=site+buttons&fbclid=IwAR1ALcT6WEQDOBKfBA68_T5-IZqA9SMhzI7GQbkBqNSqlMq68IfwEs1QeOE The COVID-19 outbreak is giving new meaning to those “sustainable” shopping bags that politicians and environmentalists have been so eager to impose on the public. These reusable tote bags can sustain the COVID-19 and flu viruses — and spread the viruses throughout the store. Researchers have been warning for years about the risks of these bags spreading deadly viral and bacterial diseases, but public officials have ignored their concerns, determined to eliminate single-use bags and other plastic products despite their obvious advantages in reducing the spread of pathogens. In New York state, a new law took effect this month banning single-use plastic bags in most retail businesses, and this week Democratic state legislators advanced a bill that would force coffee shops to accept consumers’ reusable cups — a practice that Starbucks and other chains have wisely suspended to avoid spreading the COVID-19 virus. John Flanagan, the Republican leader of the New York state Senate, has criticized the new legislation and called for a suspension of the law banning plastic bags. “Senate Democrats’ desperate need to be green is unclean during the coronavirus outbreak,” he said Tuesday, but so far he’s been a lonely voice among public officials. Enlarge Image John FlanaganAP
  2. This thread has morphed, gone from changed into describing "critical thinking" as right wing ideology. Transplant disparages teaching critical thinking as just some republican plot to indoctrinate our children. Keep listening, eventually they'll tell you what they really think. Joe is like a sailor tacking into the wind, constantly changing directions.
  3. Careful Joe, that's our friend China you're talking about.
  4. You and I know that but to the dems they're immigrants, just like the ones that went through Ellis Island.
  5. Earlier Joe certainly avoided talking about the Swine Flu and mentioned Ebola several times. Hmmmn, why avoid talk of the Swine Flu? Invest in unprecedented ways----Bernie. IOW, let's invest in the kind of stuff we don't know about.
  6. Ed Sullivan claims there is a Beatle infestation in Vermont.
  7. Unless they commit a crime illegal aliens get to stay. That's nothing more than an invitation to flood our borders, again.
  8. There is no question that the disease is serious and needs to be treated that way. It may not strike you as something to personally worry about but a person can have the disease without any symptoms and then spread it to others who may have underlying problems. You could be the cause of other people dying even without your own knowledge. At least with the flu one knows they have something wrong if they have contracted it. China, by keeping it quiet is and will be responsible for 1000's of deaths around the world. They have a no fvcks given attitude as it pertains to other countries.
  9. Speculation has been that the warmer it gets the better it is for fighting the virus. Alf indicated the opposite, thus my question.
  10. In his little tirade Joe claims he won the International Moot Court Competition. As is par for the course Joe is confusing that with being the contestant in the competition that others would most like to mute.
  11. Haven't you wondered how crib deaths were limited to the very young?
  12. Especially if it's paid to Indians out on Long Island for Manhattan.
  13. Larry asked Greg for his suggestions and Greg proceeded to say "I got nothing". A show was born.
  14. This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home but this little piggy killed your ass.
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