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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. One would think it would be treated as if that person was laid off.
  2. That smile looks like it was photo shopped right off "The Joker".
  3. Which Podesta, the one with the red shoes or the one with the red ass?
  4. Leader Nancy's economic plan of giving billions to planned parenthood to kill babies and market their parts is ingenuous.
  5. I've been preaching energy independence for over a decade now. The benefits to our economy and manufacturing base are tremendous along with the ability to sensibly protect and improve our environment. Our independence and ability to export energy allows us to flip the bird in the direction of the Middle East and exert a great deal of influence over Russia and other countries. Allowing Biden or Sanders to return us to the days of Jimmy Carter with his defeatism, turned down thermostats and extra sweaters would be laughable.
  6. Gas was $1.74 at Irving NY and that was 2 weeks ago. I know it's only anecdotal but the name of my boat was Absolut Tonic and I never got one of those viruses.
  7. After Dear Leader Kim posted a golf score of 8 for 18 holes some people questioned the reliability of their accounting.
  8. Bernie didn't have any trouble getting in. Must have to know someone I guess.
  9. Lies, lies and more lies. Your ignorance is at the forefront as usual.
  10. Hell, liquor stores in PA are run by the state.
  11. Tiberius, during these tough times you may have to advertise a bit more:
  12. TPS, FU. There you go again with the hoax nonsense. In this country the feds don't decide on forgiving utility payments and rents.
  13. If only we had a federal payment system for all our utilities and rents. Bernie will make it happen, comrade.
  14. Joe invoked the Ebola virus but stayed away from the Swine Flu. That's the one where the Obama administration waited 6 months until there were 1000 deaths before declaring an emergency and then had 12,500 deaths.
  15. Barley is good for you but I don't think the FDA has approved it to fight the virus yet.
  16. Silly boy, the military is going to build hospitals. That is if they can find a way to power the trucks they need to bring the supplies to the job sites. Maybe Joe could give the bottle a good rubdown and the Genie/Aladdin could provide enough magic carpet rides to get the job done.
  17. Are you saying the daily+ briefings by an all star panel of medical professionals aren't keeping everyone informed? I watched the Odd Couple "debate" last night. Their solutions were to do what Trump has already done. Oh, and invest our resources in methods that they know nothing about but should be successful because their cause is righteous.
  18. In addition to alcohol abuse rehab maybe drug abuse and a dickshun intervention would be appropriate.
  19. If NASA can exist to make Muslims feel better about themselves then I guess the CDC can spend time and money figuring out why that fat beeetch who eats a dozen donuts a day is fat.
  20. https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-covid-19-cyberattack-hhs-health-human-services-hack-attempt-2020-3?utm_source=notification&utm_medium=referral&fbclid=IwAR3dFNx4U9VrENNUWMGi2BC4YZyKq3CJvxxFS6iArS_SMgKVWkWyk8DX5Dg As the US ramps up its response to the spread of COVID-19, the Health and Human Services Department was hit with a cyberattack, according to a new report from Bloomberg. Citing three unnamed sources familiar with the matter, Bloomberg reports that the cyberattack aimed to slow down HHS computer systems Sunday night, but were unsuccessful in doing so. The attack reportedly attempted to flood HHS servers with millions of requests over the course of several hours. Following the attempted intrusion, federal officials reportedly became aware that false information was being circulated. The false information campaigns were reportedly related to the hack, but no data was reportedly stolen from HHS systems. The National Security Council tweeted Sunday night that there were false rumors circulating about a potential national quarantine, calling the rumors "#FAKE."
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