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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The present talent level including depth is damn good. I rather doubt that 7 draft picks can make this team. Trading up by giving up more picks for a higher one is acknowledging that good fortune and going for quality over quantity.
  2. So, you have appointed yourself a judge of what other people can feel strongly about? It's a long way from 3rd Chair to Conscience Judge.
  3. Come back from the edge, Bob. You're one of the useful idiots.
  4. Just another establishment politician. Never was impressed with him. If he was really knowledgeable he would have reinvested in the companies that manufacture Charmin, etc. and hand sanitizer/moisturizer.
  5. I suggest a one course dinner of sum yung boi's kum, which btw is supposed to go very well with Chardonnay.
  6. Are you a politician? You sure do know how to talk around an issue.
  7. Yes, I know. I was responding to Section8 and that was a quote from him that I was refuting.
  8. Damn, I thought he had a list of the "Daily Numbers". There goes retirement.
  9. I'll be damned if we have to make French wine here!
  10. Gator, you ignorant slut. LBJ backed the Civil Rights act only after kicking and screaming. He then realized that blacks could become stalwart members of the dem party and acknowledged that by declaring "we'll have those n***ers voting democratic for the next 200 years".
  11. Everything? Maybe just the essentials. Hate to take the jobs of making baseballs away from the Haitians and Costa Ricans.
  12. "Some NBA players are stepping up to pay arena workers wage while their billionaire owners do nothing to help." Sounds like a one sided statement to me. First rule of PPP: don't try to put one over on people. Someone will be sure to notice.
  13. Much like Biden, B-Man needs to be an incognito candidate. The less you know about him the more attractive he becomes.
  14. You need to do a little research on this subject before spouting off nonsense. Just off the top of my head Mark Cuban and Terry & Kim Pegula come to mind as people who are making auditorium workers whole.
  15. I always preferred the Guess Who. We already have energy independence with larger reserves than Russia and Saudi Arabia. By selling oil and gas to the world we can somewhat control the actions of other gas & oil producers. Actually if we use patience, we can put Russia's balls in a vice and keep them there.
  16. This is wrong, no matter how many times you repeat it. When faced with the truth you just revert back to misinformation.
  17. Where Tiberius and his ilk belong:
  18. WHO did offer it to many countries but did not offer it to the U.S. They typically don't offer us stuff like that, figuring we can handle it on our own while poor countries can't. The tests we had were faulty and unfortunately we had to spend the time to come up with tests that were accurate. The stock market and virus are intertwined and it makes it easy for TDS people to pick their perspective. You obviously picked the perspective that fits you narrative. Answer me one question. When was the last time you've observed any president this engaged in battling a crises? @TPSRead this: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/03/17/nolte-all-the-establishment-medias-dangerous-coronavirus-lies/ Trump Rejected WHO Coronavirus Test Kits Everyone from Grandpa Joe Biden to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta to Esquire to NBC News to, to, to… This is such a lie, the far-left PolitiFact debunked it. Trump Blocked Testing Because Lower Numbers are Good for His Reelection This lie arrives courtesy of the welfare queens at NPR and a Newsweek staffer’s hysterical amplification that has been retweeted almost a quarter-million times. And once again, I ask, how does this makes any sense? In the face of the facts, Trump is doing back-flips to start testing. What’s more, how does not testing benefit his re-election chances? It’s not as if people who test positive won’t eventually become symptomatic. This is not just a lie (no other media outlet has confirmed it, which means even CNN couldn’t find a lying source that has lied to them so many times before to lie about this one), it’s by far the stupidest lie on this list. It’s Trump Fault Coronavirus Testing Was Delayed Nope: 11. Trump Silenced Dr. Fauci This lie spread like wildfire before Fauci himself was given a chance to tell the truth. 12. [added] Trump Told Sick People to Got to Work Here’s CBS News flat-out lying with the flat-out lie that Trump told sick people to go to work. And that’s just one example. This lie spread like its own virus for days throughout the fake media. Here’s Trump’s full quote: “So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better.” He’s not talking about what people should do, but that healthy people are going on about their business with the coronavirus not knowing they have it, which is undoubtedly true for the young and healthy. — We are plagued with a dishonest, unreliable, unserious, dangerous media, driven only by political calculation and naked greed. The media are so evil and indecent, even a pandemic can’t cure them.
  19. The pea brains of this world such as Tiberius and his ilk live off of "feelz" with no consideration of reality. If we instituted 1/2 of that Green New Deal farce we would be on a path to deliberately turning our country into 3rd world status. Simply put, we as a country cut back our carbon emissions by 20% with our conversion to more use of natural gas. This could only be done by fracking, horizontal drilling and constructing pipelines. We've become energy independent and no longer reliant upon other countries (specifically in the M.E.) for our energy. Our status as the largest producer in the world of oil and gas allows us to dictate policy to countries, namely Russia, and keep their nonsense in check. As we speak, Russia is trying to damage our energy business by cutting off their own nose. Sure, they can hurt our shale oil industry but only on a temporary basis. Without energy reserves and nuclear weapons Russia would be one of those 3rd world countries. Gas and oil is their only real income. They have no manufacturing base. Today oil is around $20 a barrel. Our producers need it to be at around $40 a barrel in order to turn a profit. As I recall it's been running in the $45-$70 range for some time now. The low oil prices are the result of Russia not agreeing with OPEC to reduce production during the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus. Simply put, the USA is in the catbird seat over the long haul. We've got the oil & gas reserves and they are by no means our only income. They have only oil & gas and just caused its price to be lowered by more than 50%.
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