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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. We know he thinks he's some kind of big time lawyer but "big time" usually doesn't go with 3rd Chair. Like being an important go-fer or the chief dishwasher.
  2. What's inflation like in your business? Is it gushing or does it just suck?
  3. What does "Deliverance" sound like? Ned Beatty, squealing like a pig? Ronny Cox's guitar? Every night at the Sundowner?
  4. I don't want to say it's commonplace, but it's commonplace.
  5. Of course landlords have their own expenses that need to be paid. This is an instance where shitrunsuphill though. As a landlord I'd make the best deal that I could with the tenant keeping in mind that it has to be realistic. Then if I needed to I'd go to my lender and see what they could do.
  6. The people that like Trump also like his pugnacious personality. They like a fighter. I remember many years ago apologizing for fighting with a client over a commission. I was told by him to not be embarrassed over it because if I wasn't going to fight for myself he doubted that I'd fight for him. That became a great response to future clients. Trump just refuses to accept the status quo and is admired for that.
  7. Landlords are going to be caught between a rock and a hard place. In most cases they are going to have to work with their tenants and find some sort of accommodation. It does them no good to evict a previously successful tenant that paid the rent with the hopes of finding someone else to pay the same rent. The stock market will come back as long as it wasn't overvalued in the first place. The same people may not have the same equity but someone will have it.
  8. The government is betting that we can get the virus down to a level of infections that we can control and treat before tanking the economy to the extent that we have a long recession. They hope to see the virus level flatten out at an amount that we can handle. Once that is done then we'll be able to get back to work and get what was a red hot economy going again. The question that none of us can answer is when that flattening out will take place. Will it be 2 weeks or 8 weeks or more?
  9. Why do you think they want him off the air? The media's duplicity is becoming more and more apparent all the while Trump is getting favorable approval ratings for handling the crisis. The MSM has shot their wad and now can't get even Ilhan Omar to side with them. We need a healthy media in this country. Killing them off doesn't do anything for us. Making fools out of them does.
  10. On another note, Comrade Hillary was presented the Jane Fonda/Tokyo Rose Friendship Award given to the person most likely to break down the barriers of the politics ends at the shore mob that resists globalism. In a ceremony at the Chinese embassy in Washington D.C. Friday, 3/20/20 Ms. Clinton was also presented a check to the Clinton Foundation for 671,000,000 yuan.
  11. I always used to say that it was the woman's choice and that it was between her and her God. That's when the consensus used to be that abortions needed to be safe, legal and rare. No one was pushing for late term abortions/partial birth abortions back then. They've gone too far now and raised the ire of us who were fence sitters. Fvck 'em.
  12. No one was addressing the infirm in that post. There are always exceptions. Keep yourself safe. If you are not already doing it already take extra supplements like vitamins A, B (complex), C & D. Remember those figures that represent new cases are only discovered if people are tested.
  13. This from a country whose Prime Minister sashays around with fake eyebrows that like to fall off. Nothing like his mother though, who liked to flash her own fun tunnel, mud flaps and all.
  14. From a FB post: I talked to a man today I talked with a man today, an 80+ year old man. I asked him if there was anything I can get him while this Coronavirus scare was gripping America. He simply smiled, looked away and said: "Let me tell you what I need! I need to believe, at some point, this country my generation fought for... I need to believe this nation we handed safely to our children and their children... I need to know this generation will quit being a bunch of sissies...that they respect what they've been given...that they've earned what others sacrificed for." I wasn't sure where the conversation was going or if it was going anywhere at all. So, I sat there, quietly observing. "You know, I was a little boy during WWII. Those were scary days. We didn't know if we were going to be speaking English, German or Japanese at the end of the war. There was no certainty, no guarantees like Americans enjoy today. And no home went without sacrifice or loss. Every house, up and down every street, had someone in harm's way. Maybe their Daddy was a soldier, maybe their son was a sailor, maybe it was an uncle. Sometimes it was the whole damn family...fathers, sons, uncles... Having someone, you love, sent off to war...it wasn't less frightening than it is today. It was scary as Hell. If anything, it was more frightening. We didn't have battle front news. We didn't have email or cellphones. You sent them away and you hoped...you prayed. You may not hear from them for months, if ever. Sometimes a mother was getting her son's letters the same day Dad was comforting her over their child's death. And we sacrificed. You couldn't buy things. Everything was rationed. You were only allowed so much milk per month, only so much bread, toilet paper. EVERYTHING was restricted for the war effort. And what you weren't using, what you didn't need, things you threw away, they were saved and sorted for the war effort. My generation was the original recycling movement in America. And we had viruses back then...serious viruses. Things like polio, measles, and such. It was nothing to walk to school and pass a house or two that was quarantined. We didn't shut down our schools. We didn't shut down our cities. We carried on, without masks, without hand sanitizer. And do you know what? We persevered. We overcame. We didn't attack our President, we came together. We rallied around the flag for the war. Thick or thin, we were in it to win. And we would lose more boys in an hour of combat than we lose in entire wars today." He slowly looked away again. Maybe I saw a small tear in the corner of his eye. Then he continued: "Today's kids don't know sacrifice. They think a sacrifice is not having coverage on their phone while they freely drive across the country. Today's kids are selfish and spoiled. In my generation, we looked out for our elders. We helped out with single moms who's husbands were either at war or dead from war. Today's kids rush the store, buying everything they can...no concern for anyone but themselves. It's shameful the way Americans behave these days. None of them deserve the sacrifices their granddads made. So, no I don't need anything. I appreciate your offer but, I know I've been through worse things than this virus. But maybe I should be asking you, what can I do to help you? Do you have enough pop to get through this, enough steak? Will you be able to survive with 113 channels on your tv?" I smiled, fighting back a tear of my own...now humbled by a man in his 80's. All I could do was thank him for the history lesson, leave my number for emergency and leave with my ego firmly tucked in my rear. I talked to a man today. A real man. An American man from an era long gone and forgotten. We will never understand the sacrifices. We will never fully earn their sacrifices. But we should work harder to learn about them..learn from them...to respect them.
  15. There's not a doubt in my mind that Bernie would, if given the chance, interject his socialist ideals into any and all efforts to thwart the virus. There may be some socialistic aspects to what Trump & Congress are doing but they'll have a sunset clause. Bernie's bs would mirror the camel's nose under the tent and have permanent changes to our country.
  16. Actually I think the stay at home efforts at this time are only an effort to flatten the curve while at the same time ramping up our production of masks, gloves, ventilators, etc. I think the plan is for the restrictions to be eased once that flattening occurs. It'll be a tough balancing act. Who would you rather have leading the executive branch at this time? Trump? Biden? Sanders?
  17. The media has no concept of what Leadership is all about. They b i t c h about everything without noticing that Trump put together an impressive team to fight this virus and it appears as if they are doing everything possible to beat this scourge. His fighting back against a highly disingenuous press actually endears himself to the public and his daily briefings show the populace that he is not only engaged in fighting the virus but is a true Leader.
  18. Yes, when it sounds like an auto translation of a Montreal Gazette article it becomes suspicious.
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