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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I can understand why you would shy away from dealing with anything having to do with morals, knowing that morals in your mind are tied directly to money. I mean you came right out and stated that you'd perform abortions if there was enough money in it for you. You've met your moment here and it's pretty much a Tiberius/Benghazi moment. Just think, you'll now be known in the annals of history in PPP as someone who would kill a baby if the money was "right".
  2. You're quoting one, idiot. You're making lawyers look bad by being so stupid. I'm beginning to think that the only bar you ever passed was a closed one.
  3. Obviously you can't answer my "3rd grade level" questions.
  4. Then answer my questions in the abortion thread, 3rd Chair.
  5. I feel sorry for Rand. Maybe during this downtime he can bake some cookies and take them over to his neighbor.
  6. So you repost all those tweets? Your assmudgeonry is strong. BTW, how much do you charge to kill a child?
  7. Too funny. The comments are the best: https://thechive.com/2019/03/20/gangster-arrested-with-gun-from-1858-gets-roasted-by-the-internet-22-photos/?utm_medium=post&utm_source=facebook_chive&fbclid=IwAR1jRSReBZT7bpx3jVWk-wxCL6y8lJ4M7CGFhHCQL6limD5M4hUaVYjZ54w Enter this week’s dingaling: felon and self-proclaimed gangster Amador Carlos Martinez. Martinez was recently pulled over during a routine traffic stop, where he admitted to officers he was in possession of a firearm. We’re not sure what type of gun the officers were expecting to find, but they turned up a rather curious one. A Remington Model 1858 Black Powder Revolver, to be exact. 2 Via FresoPD/Facebook According to Fresno PD’s Facebook page: “On Monday, March 11, 2019, at 5:00 P.M. Southeast Special Response Team Officer Dillon Biggs and Officer Sukhbir Chauhan were proactively patrolling the area of Third St and Madison Ave in an effort to reduce gang violence and shootings in the Southeast Policing District. They initiated a traffic stop for a vehicle code violation. They contacted the driver, 19-year-old Amador Carlos Martinez, a self-admitted Ruthless Thug Life Fresno Bulldog Criminal Street Gang Member. Martinez admitted to Officer Biggs he had a loaded 44 Magnum revolver under the driver seat. Martinez said he possessed the firearm for his protection against other gang members. Martinez was arrested and booked into the Fresno County Jail for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Please see the attached photograph of the handgun recovered and of suspect Amador Carlos Martinez.” We’re not sure what in the Oregon Trail possessed him to sport such a… unique gun, but we are certain that the internet came correct when they wanted to roast him for it. Check out the comment below. 3 Via FresoPD/Facebook 4
  8. From my observations over the years any distance between Pelosi and making a deal is that Pelosi is insisting on irrelevant items in the bill that fit furthering her social agenda. Winning to her isn't beating this virus but coming out on top politically. While she says that she prays for the president daily, I rather suspect she spends a good period of time sticking voodoo pins in a DJT doll.
  9. My impressions of Cuomo during this trying time: He is on top of things and appears to have risen to the crisis. Today was the first time I sensed that he was equivocating to the point where at a later date he could blame the Feds for something going wrong. He loves to hear himself talk, especially in front of a camera. He sees this crisis as a possible stepping stone to POTUS. Oh, did I say he loves to hear himself talk? My understanding is that if he and Schumer are together and there is a camera around, Schumer is the one that ends of holding Cuomo's beer.
  10. Then we can restructure the whole economy, you see? Maybe put Bernie Sanders in charge of that since capitalism has obviously failed.
  11. Look at yourself in the mirror, that might solve the problem.
  12. How would I know your career is good? In fact I'm not even sure what that means as it pertains to you. From your posting here I've deduced that you either are amoral or just don't giveafvck about such things as conscience and embrace moral turpitude for money. Yes, in this forum you admitted that you'd kill babies if there was enough money in it for you. What won't you do for money? The site I looked at treated it as a malaria and arthritis, lupus drug.
  13. I looked online and there appears to be a couple of different sources that claim you can get it without a prescription but I didn't go as far as entering the order section to prove it.
  14. I don't understand why you, with such an outstanding 3rd Chair career going for you and a writing class that you teach that is so close to your heart, not to mention your aspirations to become an abortionist if the money is right, would attempt such a comedic post as that above. How many careers to you need? What's so cool about teaching kids cursive and above all, what wouldn't you do for enough money?
  15. You are saying that a person who could tolerate some early abortion but puts their foot down and says a big fvcking no to late term and partial birth abortions is somehow capitulating to their base? This describes me and I can tell you without a doubt that if I capitulated to anything, it was to my conscience and not some so-called base.
  16. To be honest I'm not sure I know the difference. I read somewhere that that that were two kinds of the drug with Chloroquine definitely being the one that needed the prescription while Hydroxycholoquine did not. That's all I got.
  17. You're an idiot. Don't you find it rather unfulfilling to be a so called trial lawyer and to only have been a 3rd chair once? Maybe being an abortion doctor actually is more in line with your psyche.
  18. There's a derivation of Chloroquine called Hydroxychloroquine that is off the shelf and has less side effects.
  19. My guess would be that the Republicans got disgusted when the Democrats decided to shoot for any abortions at any time, celebrate it with in your face demonstrations and then continuously try to find ways to get get taxpayer funding for it. Oh, and selling body parts was just a little too much. Ya see Doc, the dems changed the rules and now there's a backlash. My guess is that there's a lot of things you'd do for your paycheck. Your past postings here would indicate that morals are not very high on you priority list.
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