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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That's the attitude. Cause a lot of economic pain for the country and get slammed in the elections coming up.
  2. You should read what you post but in all fairness to you it just might be that you are incapable of understanding it. Your own link refutes your claims. You have Mazie F'n Hirono speaking against it. That in itself makes one think the deal was a good one. The rank and file in the democrat party negotiated this compromise and Leader Pelosi who was back in San Francisco for the last week, comes to town and tells lackey Schumer to not allow even debate on this, and that the House will come up with a bill on their own. Mark my words, you dems are digging your own graves.
  3. I see, the Senate has no say in the matter? At present Nancy Pelosi, all by herself controls the House. Is this the hill you want to die on?
  4. I wonder who this could be? (sorry Buffalo_Gal, I'm sure you look nothing like her)
  5. There are none so blind than those who refuse to see. This virus came upon a vibrant economy suddenly and outside of the deaths and agony, the economy is in real trouble. Our government administration has reacted markedly fast and is all in not only fighting the virus but making every attempt to put us on track to come out of this economically. Nancy Pelosi is holding up legislation in order to force her socialistic agenda and show off her power. Fvck her and her lackey Schumer.
  6. And be sexually attacked by Demi Moore. Please don't throw me in the brier patch!
  7. Have we ever seen a politician so willing to embrace her personal hubris to fvck the country for her own agenda? At a moment when cooperation amongst pols is of the utmost importance she opts not only to pull raw political stunts, but to bask in her personal power at the expense of our country. A bipartisan deal was virtually done to help our country to get through this crisis but Leader Nancy comes back to DC to thwart it in order to exert her power. I've despised numerous politicians over the years but none anywhere near as much as I have this evil person. While some politicians like Cuomo and Newsome have risen to the occasion, Pelosi and her lackey Schumer have failed to do so. Let them be fairly judged by the American people.
  8. It will be interesting (but typical I assume) what Pelosi & Schumer are holding out for. It has to be something on their socialist agenda.
  9. I can hear it now. "Barack, can you help me out on this?" Trump thinking, "whatever he says I'll do the opposite and I'm sure to do the right thing".
  10. One wonders just how close Harvey was to the other inmate that has it too.
  11. What with your screen name and what you said about your location it didn't take MagnumPI to figure it out.
  12. You might have posted your dilemma in a different way than you did to avoid this kind of discussion if you simply stated that you hated representing guilty clients or some such thing it would be understandable but we know you're not a defense lawyer so there goes that. You chose to say you wouldn't perform abortions unless you got paid enough to do them. That tells me you are for sale. As far as I go, I have stated here before when it was pertinent to the topic at hand, that I had a career in manufacturing management and then a 2nd one in real estate development. I am now retired and have a part-time job of about 10 hours a week servicing former actresses and beauty queens. It's a fun job and I provide a needed service, plus you should see the Christmas and Birthday gifts I receive.
  13. You know when the ridicule really started? When you attacked DR for what you claimed was his poor writing skills and then mentioned that you taught writing at a local school. I have never posted anything here about me taking paychecks for doing something I was morally opposed to. Quit making stuff up.
  14. As an attorney, I know it's important for you to "win" and that can be the only reason why you are continuing this nonsense. You are floundering badly and just making more and more of a fool of yourself. You've already lost this discussion and you are not helping yourself here.
  15. I don't refuse to share my line of work for any reason other than it is not germane to this subject. I have freely mentioned my life experiences here when it was pertinent to the subject. You initially made the point of posting here that you were a very successful attorney. Big fvcking deal. When you started acting like a prick attorney then you were widely panned here. Make no mistake about it, I've not ridiculed your line of work per se but you as a person.
  16. You might want to take anything he now says with a grain of salt since he posted this just above: "also, while I haven’t said it, I would also do stuff for money I didn’t agree with."
  17. It's easy to make assumptions and accuse all involved as being guilty. I opt for patience and let the truth find its way out. It is very feasible for people to have their portfolios completely managed by a 3rd party and to not be informed regarding trades until afterward. I would suggest that we let each case move forward with an investigation and let the chips fall where they may. If they're guilty then throw the book at them.
  18. I know you're new at this communication thing but you probably shouldn't take lessons from Joe Biden. As your opponent, you are my best witness.
  19. The fact remains that you let it slip that you wouldn't do abortions unless you were paid enough money to make it worth your while. You can try to play that as something different and conflate words all you want, but you are on record as someone whose morals are adjusted with the amount of money you can make. One would think as a lawyer, you would be more precise in your comments.
  20. I invented the ABC's of "Mudgeonry" at least 10 years ago. 1. Assmudgeonry 2. Bitchmudgeonry 3. C U Next Tuesdaymudgeonry.
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