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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I saw this earlier but I watched it this time without the sound on. It was so much better.
  2. I'll get back to you. This one is going to take awhile.
  3. Busey protests the amount of Nancy Pelosi threads by starting another Nancy Pelosi thread. He's so dumb he's actually one of Tiberius's minions.
  4. Many NYC residents have summer homes upstate and in WNY. For those that may be unaware, Chautauqua Institution on Lake Chautauqua is a fabled community founded on religion and the arts. Homes were built starting in the mid 1800's in a mostly Victorian style but right on top of each other. Having a parking space next to your residence is almost a luxury. The "season" lasts for 9 weeks in the Summer and the whole community is gated during that time. The rest of the year the gates are open to anyone to sight see. Well, guess what? Residents who live mainly in NYC and some from other places are coming to the Institution and opening up their home in order to wait out the virus there. As of yesterday there were no confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county. There were a small number of people under observation. Just recently the Grounds had to put their gate system into play because the traffic had increased to the point that traffic control was needed. Gotta spread that virus! Stopped in a liquor store yesterday in NY and it was busier than normal. When asked, the clerk told me they were inundated with customers from PA & OH. I know PA liquor stores are closed and Chautauqua County is adjacent to counties in PA. I'm not sure about OH but there are a ton of people from OH with summer homes on the lake. This is not what we need to do to control this virus. People should stay home if they are under orders to do so and stupid regulations like closing the PA State Stores in PA by Tom Wolfe just contribute to the spread. Is anyone thinking about unintended consequences of their actions? Maybe now was not the right time to mandate reusable grocery bags in NY?
  5. You seem to have forgotten to complete that thought. That short little article is just filledwithshit and your little game of not finishing that thought might fool someone of your low intelligence but it doesn't fly here. Just like the sun rises in the East and Old Faithful erupts on schedule, you start the day off with a lie.
  6. When I posted it you attacked the messenger. When B-Man posted the same message you attacked him for deflecting accountability. The fact remains that the Obama administration depleted the supply of N95 masks and never replaced them to protect our citizens, but found a way to ship off pallets of cash (1.8 billion dollars) to the Mullahs in Iran to kill our citizens. You might want to get tested for TDS. It would appear that you have a bad case of it and it has already eaten into whatever gray matter you may have had.
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/man-dies-after-ingesting-chloroquine-in-an-attempt-to-prevent-coronavirus/ar-BB11B8qd?li=BBnbcA1&ocid=U452DHP TH3 just reads the headline, which as usual can be very misleading. This guy and his wife ingested chloroquine phosphate, a chemical used for cleaning out the inside of fish tanks. A press release from Banner Health, based in Arizona, said the husband and wife, both in their 60s, took an additive called chloroquine phosphate used to clean fish tanks, to try to prevent coronavirus. Within half an hour, both needed to seek emergency medical care. The man later died. During a press conference last week, President Trump touted the drug for its potential, however the Food and Drug Administration later said it had not approved chloroquine for the coronavirus, and that much more study was needed. Follow NBC HEALTH on Twitter & Facebook.
  8. I would suspect that it's more than Mnuchin but it is under his purview. It's the executive branch's responsibility to decide where it goes. It can always have oversight by congress.
  9. Does anyone know why we are so dependent upon China for such things like ventilators and respirators? The ACA medical device tax drove their manufacture out of the U.S. What was the recommendation in 2009 regarding replenishing the stockpile of N95 masks? https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-administration-n95-stockpile-coronavirus
  10. Maybe Trump decides to get back to the new normal that includes taking more precautions while we work, and that prevents a lot more deaths from suicide and poverty than we will have from the virus.
  11. He's real. You want to know how I'm sure of it? If he was fake he'd have a stethoscope around his neck just to look authentic. -)
  12. Old age must be catching up to you. There was a time when you would have at least attempted to make a coherent response. Now you're just acting like a clown.
  13. The provision to not release the names of the entities is for a very practical lesson learned from the bailout in 2008/2009. There's a certain smell, whether right or wrong that goes with the companies taking help from the government. It can have an adverse affect on stock prices which is the opposite of what those companies need. Those names will eventually be exposed and the books opened up so all can see. The issues are all ones that Leader Nancy brought back with her yesterday and instructed Schumer how to handle things. We've heard the statement of James Clyburne regarding taking this opportunity to move the democrat agenda forward. The list that the democrats are trying to get into the deal is long and full of items that have no connection to solving this crisis and getting our economy back on track. The dems always try to do this and they need to pay the price for deliberately hurting the American public.
  14. They want to be able to harvest votes just like they do in CA. I can guarantee you that everything they propose is the same as allowing the camel to put its nose under the tent. Sooner or later you'll be fighting with that camel for the blanket.
  15. They are gouging in Buffalo. When there's that big of a spread between the reservation gas and non reservation gas then you know something is wrong. Reservation stations are not going to price gasoline at a loss.
  16. You are listening to liars who have to lie to hide their true intentions, which are to advance a completely unrelated series of separate agendas. There are provisions preventing salaries and bonuses to exceed $450k and what you are calling a slush fund is not that, but a well controlled fund with specific parameters and subject to the light of day. Instead of listening to people who lie for a living why don't you bother to look into these things yourself?
  17. Cat-Rez in Irving was at $1.26 this am.
  18. Trump is an optimist and when faced with numerous individual cases of the drugs success he gets excited. Fauci is a scientist and needs to prove its effectiveness over a large number of people and a great deal of time. Fortunately this drug has been used to fight malaria for over 70 years and the side effects are known. That's why Trump can be right in his statements of "what do you have to lose?" while Fauci can also be right by counseling caution.
  19. Just stop with your inane comments. We are discussing a serious subject and you are not contributing in any way. In fact, it appears as if you are on a Stupid Crusade. We don't allow crusades here.
  20. Doc, on this very site is I believe an anesthesiologist in CT, posted today that his hospital was issuing Hydroxychloquine to staff as a preventive measure.
  21. Maybe the media should be spending their time asking the dems why they are trying to take advantage of this crisis and hold hostage an economic bill in order to slip in their personal agenda. The nation is facing a crisis that is for real. The dems have failed miserably to rise to the occasion.
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