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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. IMO. Everybody has the right to guess.
  2. I know, we all should give you the money to invest, right?
  3. Yes, you idiot, the feds have more and will disperse them when and where they expect them to be needed. In the meantime companies are gearing up to manufacture more.
  4. You might not have bought at the bottom but so what? I'm saying that you bought well below what it'll be in a month or two.
  5. Cuomo has been good and has been reluctant to criticize Trump. He's even praised him. The last couple days it seems like he's hedging his bets so he can go after Trump at a later date. People need to remember that preparing for such things as a virus is primarily a state's responsibility. The feds can coordinate and have some extra stockpiles but as a last resort. Any state that's not prepared can first fault themselves.
  6. Who's going to get close enough to give it to them?
  7. It's going to be a nightmare to slowly get the economy back working by fazing it in. We can let those young workers back to working in the restaurant but what about crowding diners together? This will be played out over and over in many different ways.
  8. I just hope I can hold it until Charmin gets stocked.
  9. Pence stated today that they had shipped 2000 respirators to NY and will ship another 2000 tomorrow. What I'd really like to hear is that they've cut off NYC and surrounding areas from the rest of the country.
  10. You might want to decide to follow the John Wawrow rule though. While he wasn't allowed to post here after 2:00am you might decide to make the internet off limit after 8:00pm?
  11. Well, I can at least read a package when it clearly states that this fish tank cleaner is not for human consumption. The product is called Chloroquine Phosphate.
  12. The best comment I've heard today comes from myself. If Trump had only recommended the fish tank cleaner to TDS infected people he could have simultaneously gave a boost to the gene pool and turned down needless noise like what HAHA Gator spews.
  13. Can you explain to me what he actually said? If you say you can then I doubt your veracity.
  14. Was there ever any other choice? She should have anticipated her need to capitulate if she tried thisshit and just not attempted it. People will remember this in November.
  15. What's your point? A man ingests a chemical used for cleaning fish tanks and the bacteria that comes with the deal, and this means anything other than the gene pool gets slightly better?
  16. This was the original article that I posted: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/man-dies-after-ingesting-chloroquine-in-an-attempt-to-prevent-coronavirus/ar-BB11B8qd?li=BBnbcA1&ocid=U452DHP An Arizona man died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate in an attempt to protect himself from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man's wife also ingested the drug, and is currently under critical care. Medical staff shows on February 26, 2020 at the IHU Mediterranee Infection Institute in Marseille, a packet of Nivaquine, tablets containing chloroquine, a commonly used malaria drug that has shown signs of effectiveness against coronavirus, according to a study conducted in several Chinese hospitals. - The Mediterranee infection Institute in Marseille based in La Timone Hospital is at the forefront of the prevention against coronavirus in France. (Photo by GERARD JULIEN / AFP) (Photo by GERARD JULIEN/AFP via Getty Images) The drug chloroquine is used to treat malaria, and some early research suggests it may be useful in treating COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak "Given the uncertainty around COVID-19, we understand that people are trying to find new ways to prevent or treat this virus, but self-medicating is not the way to do so," Dr. Daniel Brooks, medical director for Banner Poison and Drug Information Center, said in a statement. News to stay informed. Advice to stay safe. Click here for complete coronavirus coverage from Microsoft News A press release from Banner Health, based in Arizona, said the husband and wife, both in their 60s, took an additive called chloroquine phosphate used to clean fish tanks, to try to prevent coronavirus. Within half an hour, both needed to seek emergency medical care. The man later died. During a press conference last week, President Trump touted the drug for its potential, however the Food and Drug Administration later said it had not approved chloroquine for the coronavirus, and that much more study was needed.
  17. Yes @TH3 brought this up in the Nancy/Hubris thread but he claimed that some poor guy in Arizona took Trump's advise and died. The NBC article cleverly left out the word phosphate in their headline and made it appear that it was the medicine that Trump had high hopes for. The idiots ingested Chloroquine phosphate, used to clean out fish tanks.
  18. To fund what was purportedly promised he'd need to fork over by my estimates about $40,000,000. Reportedly he is worth 65 billion dollars. Even if he lost 1/3 of his fortune in the stock market he still has over 40 billion dollars. With all his and the other dems talk about the little people he's going to die on this hill? They're a bunch of horseshit operators.
  19. While debating this and other issues we need to keep in mind that there's a difference between wishing something to be and what actually is. In other words, that's the difference between liberals and conservatives.
  20. I hear there's a new medicine out (formerly used to clean out the inside of fish tanks) that could go a long ways to reduce climate change and cure TDS. It's called chloroquine phosphate and Donald J. Trump approves it for patients with TDS.
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