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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Yes, the difference between a face mask used in a hospital or by a dentist and the dust masks used by construction workers is zilch, even though previous to this shortage a dust mask couldn't be used in a medical situation. I've seen pictures of nurses looking like old stagecoach robbers what with their use of a handkerchief because of a shortage of masks. Necessity seems to cut through the crap.
  2. The oft criticized NRA teaches gun safety and respect for what can happen if they are not handled appropriately.
  3. What, those guns kill people like really, really bad? Maybe if you'd just play this song it wouldn't be so bad:
  4. So, you wanted to keep everything open?
  5. The previous 2 bills were designed to stifle the virus.
  6. So, the White House made the decision to close the schools in various states?
  7. Today late in the day 3 Republican Senators discovered an anomaly in the proposed bill. In some instances it would be more lucrative to go on unemployment than to work. They wanted an amendment to correct that. Bernie Sanders objected to it and said he'd hold it up. That may have been the cause of the dip.
  8. I bet most of them were either children of the Depression or affected by it through their parents or otherwise. Part of the reason for their wealth was due to frugality.
  9. It's not like he claimed Trump killed some guy in Arizona by telling him to ingest fish tank cleaner. I've been around this place long enough to remember when you did that. Aren't you embarrassed?
  10. Joe Biden became a "professor" at Penn in 2017 and never taught a class even though he was paid over $900,000 in the next two years. I think the school wanted him for their Audio/Visual/Record Player Department. https://www.inquirer.com/news/joe-biden-penn-salary-lectures-20190712.html
  11. Happy Hour, eh? Instead of 1/2 price drinks we get a half wit?
  12. You mean this Nancy Pelosi thread that he started to protest all the Nancy Pelosi threads?
  13. From my understanding, the bill that has been agreed to in the Senate is virtually the same bill that was agreed to last weekend, before Nancy flew into town and told Chuck to hold off, so that she could present her bill that had all the different provisions. It was a failed coup by her and her lackey, Schumer. With that said, I'm hearing that Lindsey Graham, Tim Scott and Ben Sasse have a language issue with the present bill that would seem to incentivize companies to lay off workers.
  14. How many people died from the H1N1? Did the Obama administration replace the depleted supply of N95 masks that the CDC twice asked him to do? BTW, you are incorrect. Obama didn't declare a state of emergency until 1000 people had died during a very slow moving virus.
  15. How do I put this gently? You don't have a ***** clue regarding nearly everything you comment on. Obama quadrupled the NSC staff by making up a bunch of duplicate teams. One of those duplicate teams that got the old heave-ho was the one you are referring to. It's demise did not do one iota of harm to our preparedness.
  16. Who the hell is taking pictures there in bare feet?
  17. The democrats don't deserve a better candidate than Biden. You've spent a year flirting with the likes of Beto, Mayor Pete, Kamala Harris, The Scold and The Communist. You've basically settled on an old guy who likely has dementia, but in addition to that was never right when it came to anything substantial, even when he was somewhat coherent. The real leader of your party is an ancient drunken skank who thinks she's the same person she was a decade or so ago and is influenced/controlled by a cabal that consists of a bartender, Palestinian Jew hater and another Jew hater who married her brother. Your party has put the likes of Nadler, Schiff, Schumer and Watters in leadership positions. You have an actual elected representative who asked a general at a hearing if Guam could tip over. You put this country through 3 years of hell all because you couldn't get over your hissy fit over losing an election. After all this, you're hoping that some governor who is despised outside of Gotham City can ride in and save the day for a party that represents the exact opposite of what it portends? Your party celebrates the killing of infants seconds from coming out of the womb, "changing the sex" of prepubescent boys, having transvestites reading to 2nd graders and more genders than Heinz has varieties. Do you think that just maybe you guys have more problems than just an old candidate fit to be nothing more than a sock puppet for some deep state actors?
  18. Thank God Gary, now that you've silenced Trump, people like you won't be able to heed his advice about consuming fish tank cleaner to prevent the virus. You can just revert to swallowing Tide Pods for fun.
  19. The Senate bill always included a prohibition against corporate buybacks and executive raises for companies receiving help. If the dems are trying to claim that they were holding out in order to insure that those provisions were included then they are trying to put one over on people. In addition, the provisions allowing the Treasury Dept. to delay reporting the information regarding loans was originally put into the bill in order to protect stock prices of those companies receiving assistance. The democrats attempted to hijack the bill with the sole objective of pushing an agenda that they've never been able to pass on its own. Your post that I'm quoting does nothing but perpetuates their lies. They are not your friends. They are not the friends of the American people. They got caught trying to use the virus to further their own means and are now trying to cover up. They are despicable and you are buying in.
  20. It was the failure to adhere to the "Read my lips, no new taxes pledge".
  21. I know, for 3 payments of $39.95 you'll give me the real answer and for an additional fee I'll get an even better answer. Just pay S&H.
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