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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Are you ever going to apologize to this board for your assertion that our President advised people to ingest Chloroquine Phosphate? You know, fish tank cleaner?
  2. If it is, it's because China initially hid the virus and let its people, many who were infected, to spread this scourge throughout this world.
  3. I'm in a WNY county known for its recreation with many people from downstate (who have summer homes here) and easy drive distance from Cleveland, Pittsburgh and of course Buffalo. Our lake is well known and houses the famed Chautauqua Institution where people come to "Summer". As of 2 days ago we had no confirmed cases in the county but there has been a large amount of people who have suddenly decided to start their "Summering" 3 months earlier than normal. My hopes for a quick release of the stay at home rules here are now dashed.
  4. Old expression basically meaning that the truth will show itself by deeds or results more than talk or bs. Keep in mind Trump is a NYC real estate developer and that means he grew up needing a thick skin and a sharp tongue. Real estate in Manhattan is on par with cage fights. He's also been a showman and does not lack bluster. He can does come off sometimes as a buffoon, but he's a deal maker at heart and uses his ingrained negotiating skills to get things done. He'll ask for a dollar when he really only needs fifty cents. Look at what he does, not what he says. Believe me, a lot of people here who will absolutely vote for him also make fun of his persona.
  5. Capco, making a rare drive-by appearance with a stupid question. The agents who killed the would be terrorists were not involved with the deep state who were mainly in the upper echelon.
  6. Wow, I guess I will leave your education to others then. Just remember the old saying that "the proof is in the pudding".
  7. He appears to be the rare liberal who is willing to actually keep an open mind and will change his mind when presented with facts. In other words, he just may be someone worthy of an actual discussion.
  8. I don't know how much you've been involved with looking into all of the supposed connections Trump has had with Putin but I encourage you to think about how Trump has been a pain in Putin's ass since he became our President. He's provided Ukraine with deadly weapons to use against Russia. This is something Obama wouldn't do. He's put sanctions on Russian Oligarchs who are the real power backing Putin. He's strengthened NATO much to Putin's consternation. He's discouraged Europe from relying on Russian gas and oil while at the same time ramping up our production and trying to not only take market share from Russia but reduce the price of energy to starve the Russian economy. These things are not what a person does who is buddy buddy with another leader. I encourage you to state your case with specific instances referring to their collusion and I'll bet you'll find enough people here (including DR who has done the most actual research by far) that can give you the facts to disprove your thoughts on this matter.
  9. And get the U.S. to pay for it? BTW people, I've been thinking about getting a caravan started up to go to Mexico. Anybody up for it?
  10. I've been speaking out against reusable shopping bags well before I had any knowledge of the coronavirus. The transport of raw chicken is only one example of why that should not be put in a reusable bag. The CDC guidelines even direct a shopper to put raw chicken only in a disposable bag. Unless you wash and sanitize reusable bags after every use you are just asking to get food poisoning. https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/chicken.html
  11. Tiberius, forgetting his many references to the Tea Party in which he called them tea baggers.
  12. Those numbers were already taken into account previously. The stock market is controlled by what people think is going to happen not what has already happened.
  13. I hope it wasn't test kits, what with their 80% failure rate.
  14. I think some dude on a backwater forum might talk about a guy who ingested fish tank cleaner in order to prevent him from getting a virus. It won't be you though because you believed the story and posted it, hook, line and sinker boy.
  15. You shouldn't talk about your grandmother that way.
  16. Several years ago she stated something like we have to extend unemployment benefits to keep the unemployment rate down.
  17. Guys, take it easy on Gleeful Gator HAHA Gator Tiberius. He just misses the Tea Bagging.
  18. How are you holding up Tiberius? Are you ever overcome with regret for laughing at the deaths of U.S. citizens in Benghazi? Does it keep you up at night? Give you bad dreams? Do you have a hotline number on you at all times? We're a community here at PPP and have sympathy and want to help even the lowest pond scum.
  19. Oh come on now, don't you see that Trump is only doing a good job as president in order to win reelection? Dark motives, man. Dark motives.
  20. So, Ronald Klain's statement in February downplaying the threat was after Trump's January 31st order closing our borders to Chinese travelers?
  21. Yes, he does but he wants that decision recommendation to come from the White House so that he has cover. He wants the upside of the economy getting back going again without the downside of things going wrong.
  22. Nice timeline, but he somehow left out the January 31st closing of our borders to all traffic to and from China. China couldn't have done a better job of spreading the virus worldwide if they had planned it.
  23. Initially it appeared that Trump and Cuomo were on the same page but if you have listened to any of Cuomo's briefings in the last few days there is a very subtle effort to distance himself from Trump. Not really anything that would show a fracture today but Cuomo is leaving room to blame Trump for anything that goes wrong down the line. Cuomo has quit praising Trump but if he praises anything it's the federal government instead. Something to watch.
  24. Fvck 'em. Is 'em gender specific enough for them?
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