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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. He did but it was delayed somewhat while Trump recorded his infomercial for Chloroquine Phosphate. Trump was rehearsing a song that said "relief is just a swallow away".
  2. Charlie Kirk certainly put his own slant on things. WTF does he think he is, a trial lawyer?
  3. Yes and no. The MSM is doing their best to silence him. They don't want to televise his coronavirus briefings because the public likes them and thus likes Trump for having them. They see a president who is totally engaged in fighting this. This is the opposite of Obama who after the ACA never seemed to be engaged in anything. His Twitter comments get his message out. The media feel that they must filter what he says in order to inform the public in the way they want them informed. The MSM acts as if they are the Catholic Church in Medieval times and the reporters are the priests who interpret God's message for the peasants. Trump has found a way around that and there is no way he's giving that up.
  4. Just like when they said the only reason he was being a good president was to win the election in November.
  5. In BREAKING NEWS further tests were performed on the CU Next Tuesday Comedian and it was determined that due to her being on vacation in Mexico and not being able to spew her filthy accusations, a great deal of bile built up in her abdomen causing the pain. The pain was reduced when she was able to vent and spread vile comments about President Trump. Ms. Griffin was released and given a Trump voodoo doll to help her to get over this ordeal. Observers say that all she really needs is an occasional 15 minutes of fame.
  6. You think Pelosi contributed anything positive to this bill? Name them. Specifically.
  7. I'm sure there are some things that he actually puts in place that I'm not too happy with but I can't think of any off the top of my head. He's not perfect but he's what we need for the times. He ran on a certain agenda and he's getting it done with the strongest headwinds possible fighting him. He hasn't shriveled up and given in when facing opposition. He's like the opposite of Obama who was all hat and no cattle. Trump is all cattle plus a MAGA hat.
  8. Hey Tibs minion, why don't you quote the whole thing? Is it because of this:
  9. Cuomo just said that what is killing patients with the virus is that they are on the ventilators for too long of a period of time. Now we all know that was not literally what he meant. Being on the ventilator too long does not cause death. The media will give him a pass on this as well they should. Think of the uproar if Trump had said this. She is sounding more like Greta everyday.
  10. Why do all of you Tiberius minions misquote and lie so much?
  11. Yes, I've said negative things about Trump numerous times. I've called him inartful, boorish, a blowhard and a buffoon. Basically, everyone else here who supports his policies and thus his presidency have done the same.
  12. Yes, you once in a while say something good about Trump's policies but usually there's a "yes, but" involved. You cafeteria lunch ladies sure are sensitive.
  13. Yes, the vaccines that are created are done on a "best guess" basis. Sometimes they are very effective while other times not so much. Vaccines seem to be the equivalent of crowd control vs. a riot without them.
  14. Feeling the "Pelosi Bust" is just too much. Makes me think I'd rather lick subway poles.
  15. What percentage of the population of the U.S. get a flu vaccine? What percentage of the world's population get one?
  16. Have you checked all of the above out with CNN yet? You know, for its veracity.
  17. Trump closed our borders to China travel a full 6 weeks before Mayor Bill quit telling NYC residents to keep on partying.
  18. You could out twist a licorice stick and make a pretzel look straight, that is if you had any credibility. Trump closed our borders to China travel a full 6 weeks before Mayor Bill quit telling NYC residents to keep on partying.
  19. I think those posts passed each other in the middle of the night. The bias he shows basically comes from the propaganda that has been spread and repeated ad nauseum for years.
  20. Each state, yes. FEMA should have backup capabilities but NYC for example is already supposedly running out. Barely over a week ago Mayor Bill was encouraging NYC residents to get out and do the things they always have done. That's some recipe: Don't stock essential life saving supplies and encourage people to spread the virus.
  21. Who takes on the main responsibility for having an adequate supply of such items?
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