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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. https://www.gasbuddy.com/Station/106892 $1.20 a gallon. A blast from the past: https://www.redstate.com/diary/williamjameson/2011/01/20/obamas-energy-sec-wants-7-to-9-unleaded-gas-prices/ Chu said he favors gradually ramping up gasoline taxes over 15 years to nudge consumers into buying cars that are more fuel efficient and homes which are closer to work. Chu spoke with The Wall Street Journal in September but the newspaper did not publish the gas tax comments until last seek, shortly after the Nobel-prize winning physicist had been identified as Obama’s nominee for Energy secretary. The president-elect acknowledges that gas prices have come down since the summer when they reached $4 per gallon. He worries, however, that the overall economic downturn makes American families ill-equipped to shoulder higher prices. “I can imagine in the hearings Chu facing problems because he dares say, ‘higher prices,’” said Schipper. “But I think there is no solution that does not involve higher prices.” Schipper, who shared a lab at Berkeley with Chu from 1972-74, estimates that the average cost of gasoline in Europe at present is somewhere between $7-9 per gallon.
  2. Oh sure, go back to paper bags made from pulp that partially comes from dead fall in the forests. How would we feed our forest fires if we got rid of all the dead trees laying around?
  3. Reusable bags should be banned permanently. They should be called "Save The Germs Bags" or "Petri Dishes With A Handle".
  4. The MSM is so fearful of the public, hearing for themselves what Trump actually says, that they now want to shut down the broadcasting of his briefings and interpret those briefings to the public. They have become pathetic.
  5. If it cuts down the ventilator time for a patient then it throws all of calculations regarding the need for additional ventilators out the window.
  6. Sounds like a "don't throw me in the brier patch" scenario. Iceland got its name to make it sound unattractive to people who didn't know better.
  7. Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 · 23h Did you know: 3 days before he left office, Barack Obama appointed Susan Rice & Valerie Jarrett to the Kennedy Center's board of trustees The Stimulus package that just passed gave $25 million to the Kennedy Center Curiously the web page listing their board has crashed
  8. A simple solution here would be to forbid any abortions and abortion related services through this crisis. Planned Parenthood can stay open based on the other 97% of their services.
  9. Imitation is the purest form of flattery. Your continued use of "snowflake" is an admission that you and your ilk have no originality.
  10. What possessed you to bring up this briefing by Grand Wizard Trump who spoke out against the benevolent Antifa and Occupy Democrats in the worst clash of cultures since the Beverly Hillbillies met Jane Hathaway and Milburn Drysdale?
  11. To, two and too. Still stumping Gleeful Gator.
  12. Karma is the only thing that keeps me from joining that campaign.
  13. I doubt he could even count to seven from zero without taking his mittens off.
  14. Don't worry. My next trick will be to get him to count backwards from 99. It'll be a race to see if he falls asleep before he ***** it up.
  15. Here ya go, pond boy. Is CNN reporting OK for you? Oh, BTW, the dems presumptive presidential candidate has repeatedly stated that he would not have put any restrictions on travel to the U.S. due to the coronavirus. https://www.cnn.com/asia/live-news/coronavirus-outbreak-01-31-20-intl-hnk/index.html
  16. So, what is it, if he didn't get it how could he ignore it?
  17. The Electoral College elimination comes after expanding the Supreme Court to 51 Justices.
  18. Warm weather tends to suppress viruses.
  19. Can't be until she turns 35. She could be his nursemaid though.
  20. Dunking on Romney is seen by the majority of people as a good thing. Obama had a few crisis, nothing as dramatic as this one but he was let off the hook by the media. A good example of that is the swine flu. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html
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