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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That would be accurate if they were running on the same racetrack.
  2. You need to sit back and take your bias out of the equation here. You have put yourself in a position of being somewhat or fully against everything the Trump administration does. You used to be considered as a reasonable liberal. Now you are closer to Tiberius than Doc Brown.
  3. I heard that by imbibing in pot one might temporarily gain false memories. Who closed down travelers to and from China when the WHO was still claiming coronavirus was not able to be transmitted from human to human? Who was first to exclude South Korea? Italy? Europe?
  4. They are limited by the contents of their wallet. I don't think their wells will run dry soon but selling their oil at a loss is not a strategy that they can sustain. Remember, if Russia didn't have nuclear weapons they would just be another country with an economy the size of Texas. With Trump as president, we're their daddy, while when Obama was in charge they were Michael to our Fredo.
  5. They're just trying to live up to the standards promoted in the Dan Rather School of Journalism.
  6. Putin is playing a fool's game. The Saudi's wanted to lower production, and contrary to the past cooperation between Russia and OPEC Putin refused. So, Saudi Arabia said FU to Russia and oil prices tanked big time. Russia is a one trick pony not nearly as wealthy as Saudi Arabia. Russia is cutting off their nose to spite their face. Our economy is not solely dependent on oil sales so we can outlast them. They're bringing a penknife to a gun fight. Russia/Soviet Union should have learned their lesson back in the 80's when Reagan bankrupted them over an arm's race.
  7. C'mon man, if the homeless have to stay in their homes how are they going to be able to pay their mortgages?
  8. The dunce hat fits you very well. You're also very accomplished at getting sucked into MSM's lies. The bolded above is MSM's complete distortion. https://www.outsidethebeltway.com/nsc-pandemic-office-wasnt-shuttered-just-consolidated/ I alluded to this consensus in this weekend’s posting. While the 400 number has turned out to be bogus—inflated by the inclusion of low-level support staff—almost everybody agreed that the NSC had gotten too operational, stepping on the agencies it was created to coordinate. So, we get to the heart of the matter:
  9. I wonder if they can find someone in Michigan who can fill out a form? Sponsored searches related to Michigan Governor fails to fill out FEMA form Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Forms Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 90-49 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 086-0-33 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 119-25-1 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 81-31 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 086-0-32 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 086-0-34 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 214 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form 90-123 Michigan Governor Fails To Fill Out Fema Form Mt-1
  10. Trump started fighting this virus with more vigor than the WHO and much earlier. The WHO was still stating that the virus couldn't be passed between humans when Trump closed our borders for travel to and from China. Your bolded statement above is an outright lie. How or why would anyone believe anything that you post? You don't even link anything to your stupid speculation.
  11. DNR (Do Not Respond) Without attention he will shrivel up and die.
  12. Cuomo's briefing today was a little painful to watch. No need to hear about how he tried and failed to fool his kids regarding cooking Sunday dinners. He seems to often go off on tangents about his personal or past life.
  13. Something to ponder: If Nancy Pelosi partakes of bat soup in Chinatown is that the same as i n c e s t or cannibalism? I think she might have been exposed to bidenvirus.
  14. You mean there's a chance I really didn't have a threesome with Reese Witherspoon and Kat Timpf last night?
  15. So California's tax revenue must be going down then. The State should probably raise government pensions to compensate.
  16. Spring break, Mardi Gras and the *****heads from NYC who abandoned the sinking ship that is NYC to go to their second homes and vacation places and insure that they spread the virus. Reports are that starting a few weeks ago private jets were heading from NY to FLA in record numbers. Normally Chautauqua Institution doesn't operate their gate system until their 9-week Summer. They've had so many people from NYC and elsewhere open up their Summer homes that they have to operate that system now. We should have quarantined NYC and the surrounding areas even before De Blasio and his Health Commissioner quit encouraging people to party and ride the subway.
  17. Combine the tax with CA regulations regarding formulation, etc.
  18. Take the DNR pledge people. No, not the Do Not Resuscitate pledge but the Do Not Respond pledge. Don't be a ventilator for the brain dead.
  19. Because of the cost the largest is a 1/2 loaf.
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