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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. No, it was her husband who gave all for the cause. Stop and think about it, actually 2 people thought it was ok to do what they did. What are the odds that two married people would think that it was a good idea to ingest a product meant to clean the sides of an aquarium, that was clearly marked as not for human consumption? Who the hell could have known them both and introduced them to each other? Were they both from the Tiberius Club? BTW, our very own @TH3 forwarded a post here that attempted to blame Trump for this and has since went into hiding.
  2. One of the worst things that can happen to a politician is to be mocked. Joey Fingers aka Sleepy Joe aka Early Stage Joe is going to be incessantly mocked and Jill should be ashamed to let this happen.
  3. Cuomo had the opportunity to purchase 15000 ventilators in 2015 at a very good price. NYS had a surplus in the billions. Instead he chose to have a panel decide to create protocols for rationing the ones that they had if there was an epidemic. Cuomo and De Blasio along with the NYC the Commissioner was encouraging people to go on with their lives, ride the subway, go to bars and restaurants well after Trump had closed down travel to and from China, Italy, SK and Europe. While Cuomo is presently doing a good job of keeping people informed (just like Trump) he is in affect being praised for what he is saying while Trump should be being praised for what he is doing. Trump is in full partnership with American businesses ramping up production of ventilators and PPE's. He has the military involved with setting up 8 hospitals in the NYC area plus a floating hospital. I heard last night from a Corps of Engineer official that they had identified 160+ sites for temporary hospitals around the U.S. The Git It Said governor vs. the Git Er Done President.
  4. But still only 1/6 of the people who died in the swine flu epidemic under Obama.
  5. Cuomo just explained how he knows why he needs 30,000 ventilators. "I know it because a ventilator costs $25,000 and we are broke. If we didn't need them we wouldn't be buying them". Joe Biden must have coughed on him.
  6. Is Chloroquine Sulphate the same thing as Chloroquine Phosphate?
  7. Wait until the coronavirus is over to go back to your Mayhem and murdering.
  8. FIFY I don't think he was very conspiracy oriented. Carl's Jr. though is another story.
  9. So, you loved Celine Dion more than Barbara Streisand?
  10. Not sure I agree with this list even being posted without something to back it up but Demi Moore certainly did rob the cradle with Ashton Kutcher.
  11. Joe Biden is all that, and on the same hand is not all that. He doesn't know what he stands for and his responses and pronouncements are of the rote kind. It's almost as if he's an early model of a robot that has a short in its circuit board. The saddest part of this whole nightmare is that the dems are so desperate to defeat Trump that they would prop up a senile candidate for the presidency. It's almost as if the whole dem party has lost its mind. Most of Trump's policies are basically what the dems policies were less than 2 decades ago but the dems are so wrapped up in who gets credit that they have become even more irrational than they've been in the past. Just off the top of my head, Nancy Pelosi has interfered in the USMCA deal, China trade deal and the most recent Coronavirus deal. She now claims all of them as her "babies". I'm not so sure if she wants to try to hurt Trump or prop up herself more. Stay safe yourself.
  12. Still misquoting, eh? I'd suspect you work for CNN but I doubt you meet their IQ standards of 90+. If only Weekly Reader was still in existence. I doubt it and my dad has been dead for 2 years.
  13. As usual you got it wrong. Your muddled thinking that allows such a misinterpretation is on par with the rest of the flotsam coming from your skull. Your avatar is in line with the shame you should feel in general. A cover your face in shame avatar. So apropros.
  14. First, figure out who the people are that put their personal ambitions/legacy/party above all else. If you sleep on it tonight, in the morning you'll begin to see the light.
  15. Horseshit! Archangel Obama doesn't need no ***** helicopter when all he has to do is expose his wings.
  16. Sarcasm. China claimed that there were "only" 2500 deaths in the city of Wuhan, but by the best estimates they sent 40,000 urns there to hold the ashes of those bodies. Their abacus must have been faulty.
  17. Not exactly this photo. Obama would have to somehow be in it.
  18. Proof that China is telling the truth: Wuhan had 2500 people die from the virus in the last 2-3 months. To back that up the government sent 40,000 urns to the city.
  19. Just wait to see what his pensions will be.
  20. Vice President of External Affairs. I wonder if she had anything to do with fund raising? Those remarks just might interrupt some pipelines.
  21. There are two instances that I can speak about that have stuck with me throughout my life: When i was about 18 I crossed an old narrow RR bridge that was ok for a car going in both directions but certainly narrow enough that you would proceed with caution. It was nightime and as I was crossing another vehicle was coming in the opposite direction. Suddenly a 3rd car foolishly decided to pass that car in the middle of the bridge and was headed directly at me. Somehow we all escaped a crash, but there was clearly not room for 3 cars to pass. I checked it out during daylight the next day and confirmed that it couldn't have happened, but it did. I've never told a soul about it, afraid that anyone I told would think i was either a liar or crazy. The bridge was replaced a decade later. When I was about 12 I often would be dropped off at a lake where I had a Sunfish sailboat and would spend the afternoon sailing. One day shortly after I got the boat I was on the lake when the wind picked up quite a bit. Well, I got "caught in irons" and had no control over the boat. (or so it seemed) Scared the shitoutofme. Well, eventually I figured out what needed to be done and finished the day. When home, my mother asked me what happened about 2:00pm. Not wanting to admit that I was scared I of course claimed "nothing" happened. Looking me in the eye she said she knew better and that she just had a feeling at that time that something was wrong.
  22. Anyone know why the Obama/Biden administration didn't replace the the PPE's, masks, etc. that were used up during the swine flu? You know, the virus that millions in the USA caught and 18000 died? The CDC did request they do so, twice. How about Andrew Cuomo, who had a budget surplus turning down 15000 ventilators? Instead he chose to have his people come up with a protocol for rationing the use of those they had. Sorta like giving a death panel its marching orders, eh?
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