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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. No, the CDC had to give give permission to use state and private labs to evaluate the samples, which they did.
  2. They had cases earlier than anyone else other than China. Being China's neighbor they expect this kindofshit. To compare our response to that of South Korea would presume that we are at the same stage as they are.
  3. Yes, he's a leader. People can say whatever they want about his narcissism or boorishness or whatever but he is the opposite of Obama & Biden. He initiates and the USMCA, China trade deal, border security, prison reform and cutting of regulations are just some of his accomplishments. He was the one that started those initiatives and did what it took (legally) to get them done. I think in many cases but not all, in order to recognize a leader one must know what it takes to be a leader.
  4. A month ago I would have said you were better than that kind of statement. Trump was clearly getting things done while DeBlasio and his Health Commissioner were twiddling their thumbs. Trump closed travel to and from China and SK on 1-31-20 then Italy shortly thereafter.
  5. Trump had been actively fighting this virus for 6 weeks or so when DeBlasio was still urging people to go out to bars and restaurants and to use the subway.
  6. Stick to the topic of the thread. Even when he hits a triple.
  7. What former poster are you that ran away when you got your ass kicked here too many times? Changing your name does not keep you from still being an asswhipe. Once an ass, always an ass.
  8. Trump has not tried to expand his powers. He's tried to do everything within the Constitution. The Left has fought everything he's tried to do that he was elected to do. He's found a constitutional way around their stonewalling. The economic relief package was actually negotiated and put together in a bipartisan way------------------------------until Nancy Pelosi showed up with a bill that was twice the size and had all kind of unacceptable provisions. The democrat leadership is batschitt partisan and is to blame for the hold up in that bill. Desolate countryside? This is what you're calling the land between the two coasts? You're nuts.
  9. We could hire Governor Northam to do the shoveling and he could do all the black-facing he wants.
  10. We have a developer in charge not someone who believes in Unicorns.
  11. I knew what you wanted to say because i know you. Others that are new might have taken that as it was written and misunderstood.
  12. While compromise is sometimes necessary and even sometimes good it more often than not muddies the water and has the government being led by the whims of the legislature.
  13. Having more than two parties creates strange bedfellows. Unless one party receives the majority of the votes they have to combine with one of the other parties and compromise their ideals. Multiple parties create nothing but stagnation and strips Leaders of their leadership.
  14. I sure would hate to be a defense attorney what with the new rules we'll be living by. You should start a GoFundMe account right away.
  15. 55 MPG standards by 2025 would seem to pretty much force hybrids and all electric autos on us. Some of the autos would be effectively be running on coal.
  16. No matter what you do, don't call in the Pinkertons!
  17. You left out Mother Parker predicting that Ralphie would put out someone's eye with his Red Ryder BB gun.
  18. Now if they'd only get rid of ethanol. Once 10% ethanol was required to be mixed with gasoline my gas mileage dropped 10%. Next they can work on the faux electric driven cars that are in many cases fueled by coal.
  19. She had a different name and weighed a few more pounds then. Minister Gene Hackman taught Shellie Winters how to swim.
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