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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Maybe if you didn't check to see if there was anything left in them they wouldn't be so embarrassed.
  2. You are correct. The death count vs. total population with the caveat that each country started with the virus at a different time. Think of the runners below as representing different countries.
  3. Heard on TV a little while ago that San Francisco was doing a good job because its citizens were distancing themselves from each other. They said it was only common sense. I'm saying it was caused by the common scents.
  4. Hedge posted this on January 24, 2020. China and WHO were still claiming that the virus could not be transferred between humans. I guess there must be bats in all those movie theaters. 84 people are talking about this
  5. I posted earlier in this thread in response to you an article that was 2 1/2 weeks old that showed more drive-thru test locations than that.
  6. I don't understand why Trump doesn't clean up the filth of the homeless problem in San Francisco and Los Angeles. On top of that he hasn't done one thing to settle the garbageman strike in Camden.
  7. Yes, change careers. If he can't sell his boss on the policies that are being pushed by the various governments, then he really isn't much of a salesman.
  8. Maybe if you, a member of the Shark Gang would first admit a consequential error, eh?
  9. Nice. Very cute of you to cast those dispersions without completely committing to accusing any specific people. If you are going to claim something why don't you provide a quote? Your posting lately has become very similar to Tiberius's posting. While he will outright lie and then refuse to back it up in any way you will insinuate, thinking that no one will require you to prove it.
  10. No matter how you look at it it's lowering the bar.
  11. The ventilators and other PPE were previously all coming from China. Items were ordered and China had the ships turned around when the virus overcame them. We have since geared up production of those items here. It's a good lesson for us---don't rely on other countries for our necessities.
  12. OK, one last time for the feeble minded. Trump took plenty of action and was ahead of the curve unlike many other countries and the WHO. Your criticism of him is for his verbal efforts to try to keep people calm. You would complain no matter what he did, Chicken Little.
  13. You forgot to mention that a guy in Arizona died after consuming fish tank cleaner and it's all Trump's fault. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/06/health/wuhan-coronavirus-timeline-fast-facts/index.html January 23, 2020 - At an emergency committee convened by the World Health Organization, the WHO says that the Wuhan coronavirus does not yet constitute a public health emergency of international concern. January 31, 2020 - The Donald Trump administration announces it will deny entry to foreign nationals who have traveled in China in the last 14 days. Do you know what this means? STFU
  14. But, but Mike Lindell mentioned God on the dais the other day. We don't need him making items to fight this virus.
  15. You have no ability to think beyond the most obvious. Why would the Chinese make such an outrageous lie? What does that lie support?
  16. This is from 2 1/2 weeks ago. https://www.businessinsider.com/drive-through-coronavirus-tests-states-2020-3 Funny how a simple Google search proves you wrong.
  17. The NSC commissioned a pandemic study back in September of 2019 so obviously the administration was covering all bases. The link below shows a NYT article that tries to twist facts and intentions but at least represents that a study was requested. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-economists-warned-in-2019-a-pandemic-could-devastate-america/ar-BB11YWHC
  18. This is the OP from January 23, 2020, one week before Trump closed off travel to and from China.
  19. Maybe instead of just casting wild dispersions with empty statements you could actually do the work to prove those statements?
  20. All this arguing about how things could have been handled here in a better manner and it's crickets about the real culprits of this scourge, the CCP and WHO. They are complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands or more across the world.
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