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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. What makes you think he hasn't taken his subordinates advice into consideration. He has many advisers who most likely gives him conflicting advice. He has to look at all of that advice and make a decision as to what is the best for the country. On what basis can you claim that he didn't take any advice?
  2. You are sadly misinformed and if you believe the polls you are delusional. Even so, Trumps numbers are better than Obama's were at the same time in their respective presidencies.
  3. HAHAHAHA. You guys think Trump is like a Mr. Magoo and just lucks into everything. I know, Trump is doing a good job for purely selfish reasons in order to get reelected, eh?
  4. Except Trump shut down travel to and from China on 1-31-20, much to the consternation of Democrat leaders and the MSM. Both Fauci and Birx have praised Trump for his doing that.
  5. The only schooling I've done is to a few people here.
  6. Who and where did you give this history lesson to during this stay at home time? Online?
  7. At what point in time did DeBlasio quit telling NYC residents to party like it was still the 80's? ?
  8. BREAKING NEWS: Tiberius makes claims and then refuses to back them up, claiming ignorance.
  9. Although it was nice to fill up in Irving the other day at $1.20 a gallon the oil prices that make that possible won't keep our rigs in business and we need oil prices to go up to the point that will keep our producers in business. I won't mind paying an extra $1 a gallon in order to do that.
  10. Andrew Cuomo's briefings can do without 5-10 minutes putting his brother Chris on air and doing a bad imitation of an old Rowan and Martin skit. Talk about being self-important.
  11. You got the wrong guy there, Peaches. You're describing Tiberius.
  12. In an effort to be fair we must do something about this uneven infection/death between women and men. Reducing the infections in men to more favorably match up with the rate of infections in women seems nearly impossible. The 70% number intrigues me. If I remember correctly, women make on average a salary of 70% of what men make when comparing apples to apples. I suggest in order to make this situation fair that we take any woman who is making as much as a man on average and put them in a pool. Out of that pool we draw straws for those woman who will be forcibly infected with the coronavirus until we get enough to even out the infections between males and females. This program is in its infancy stages and we've yet to permanently give it a name. We're calling it the "Get Sick As A Dick" initiative until a better name can be found. Hopefully this will make women feel more like a partner in the battle against this disease.
  13. Have you ever been to Lakewood, NJ? It is highly occupied by Hasidic Jews with dedicated schools and numerous temples.
  14. Maybe we should rename it the "Dexter disease"
  15. Trump’s latest tonal and tactical shift (and almost certainly not the last) was driven by several factors, both personal and political. Trump learned that his close friend, 78-year-old New York real estate mogul Stan Chera, had contracted COVID-19 and fallen into a coma at NewYork-Presbyterian. “Boy, did that hit home. Stan is like one of his best friends,” said prominent New York Trump donor Bill White. Trump also grew concerned as the virus spread to Trump country. “The polling sucked. The campaign panicked about the numbers in red states. They don’t expect to win states that are getting blown to pieces with coronavirus,” a former West Wing official told me. From the beginning of the crisis, Trump had struggled to see it as anything other than a political problem, subject to his usual arsenal of tweets and attacks and bombast. But he ultimately realized that as bad as the stock market was, getting coronavirus wrong would end his presidency. “The campaign doesn’t matter anymore,” he recently told a friend, “what I do now will determine if I get reelected.” "A former West Wing official told me." Sounds like that came right out of the DNC. This is nothing but pure political speculation.
  16. I wonder if any LGBTQ will turn down a bed in Samaritan's Purse field hospital, you know, on principle?
  17. Niagara Bill, I'll supply the barrel if you'll use it.
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