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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. BS, I heard he was going to lay off his Monks and pull out his Gutenberg Press in order to speed things up. Little do they know what their fate is to be:
  2. So, now that he's dead you're denying that Manson guy?
  3. You're an idiot. My offer stands, I'll buy the barrel if you will use it.
  4. I caught that but the press either didn't seem to, or has no sense of humor.
  5. California is the place with an auto culture. An individual without a driver's license in CA is a rarity. Living in NYC, especially Manhattan, having a car is the rarity.
  6. Gee, golly, gosh Bill, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so unserious that you were pushing for a St. Patty's Day Parade and encouraging people to not change a damn thing, in March.
  7. Looks like it can double as a jail cell. Bet it brings back fond romantic memories for Tiberius.
  8. Try harder. The Captain was relieved of duty not because he didn't properly go up the chain of command but because he also sent a copy of his letter to his superiors to over 20 other people, knowing full well that it would get out. Telling the world that we have an aircraft carrier parked in Guam that is less than fully functional isn't the wisest thing to do. The Captain's superiors lost faith in his judgement. We can't have someone in his position who cannot be trusted. I doubt you would want one of your aircraft carrier captains (HAHA) to be untrustworthy.
  9. Oh, but they did heed instructions but from their idiotic mayor.
  10. That area is right out of "Nothing But Trouble" stunted deer and all.
  11. Didn't Canada help China get around the steel tariffs some time back?
  12. So, a person that wears a hat that somehow refers to Trump is a cultist? That's just because you disagree with them, eh? I sense:
  13. You might want to use what little brainpower you have left to think before you post shitlikethis. That's not a hat sold on a Trump website. It's a hat made in China, imported by a number of different wholesalers for sale to retailers. Spend your time on something useful, like stocking up on Depends.
  14. Why? Unless events are scheduled very close to each other why would you spend the money to disinfect something that has no active virus on it? While some of your thoughts have some merit it seems like other answers are closely aligned with Nancy Pelosi's most secret desires. I'm surprised you didn't suggest vote harvesting or new airline fuel and environmental standards in order to battle this pandemic.
  15. If Biden had anything to offer regarding the virus one would think he'd have a little more urgency. Is Biden really the person we would want leading the fight against this scourge?
  16. You act like Antarctica is one dimensional. The continent itself has directions, it is the Pole that only looks north.
  17. The Samaritan's Purse field hospital in Central Park had 12 (out of 68 beds) Covid-19 patients as of 3:00 pm today. The ships are not taking any Covid-19 patients. I figure that until the field hospital is filled up they won't need to ship any regular patients to the Comfort in NY harbor.
  18. I'm almost sorry I shut off communication with that numbskull above. He is wrong on every point he attempted to make. I look forward to DR carving him like a Easter ham.
  19. China closed all of its movie theaters but then continued to claim the virus couldn't be passed from humans to humans. A large part of the reason South Korea (IMO) got a jump on things is because they have a very healthy degree of skepticism regarding China's veracity. They would have known much earlier that China was flat out lying.
  20. Did you bring any fish tank cleaner with you today?
  21. Don't fault the Okinawans for being racist. The people on the home islands of Japan look down on them to a great extent.
  22. You need to actually look into that. BTW, I'm not going to spend the afternoon arguing with someone who doesn't knowtheirshit.
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