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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Seems like a mistake was made in the red numbers based on the blue numbers. No "shelter in place" proclamations in CA?
  2. Do you realize that this country consists of 50 states who are all individually responsible for the implementation of their health policies? Realizing that we are intertwined of course the federal government has a responsibility to provide guidance but the feds cannot order certain states to follow a specific policy. When DeBlasio and Cuomo encouraged NYers to keep on keeping on they made themselves responsible for the extent of the pandemic in NYS and NYC. Cuomo is the one that decided to not buy ventilators back in 2015 when that was recommended by NYS experts. He instead opted to create a protocol that in affect would choose to determine what patients could get a ventilator and what patients would die due to the lack of those ventilators. Again, I encourage you to read through the proper thread here dealing with this virus. You'll find a lot of information and even a very good timeline posted by 1959 that should put things in perspective.
  3. Federalism people. The USA was divided into states based on common interest. Every state is somewhat or a lot different from other states. While certain states are not experiencing any real affects of the virus they should institute the hand washing and social distancing policies in order to protect not only their citizens, but those citizens from other states that they might come into contact with. Telling South Dakota people to hide in their homes and not go to work is asinine with such a low death rate.
  4. I know this thread came originally from elsewhere but now that you're down here you might want to visit the proper thread and discuss it here.
  5. It was tongue-in-cheek. Just a few posts back Alph claimed that slightly more than a third of the people put on ventilators survive and go home. It seems like every day we get some report that a new response is showing promise. Maybe giving some patients who are on a ventilator a cocktail consisting of Hydroxychloroquine and zinc along with another ingredient or two will be what gets that mortality rate down to 1/2 or 2/3? Maybe it'll be something else. We will learn a lot and get through this though.
  6. Look at that posting schedule, every hour on the hour he thinks about licking balls. Maybe that's his new defense, stop that or I'll lick your balls!
  7. I know, I've heard this, specifically from Cuomo. Ventilators are a death sentence. So, his daily requests for more ventilators are only because he wants to kill more people? Maybe if we threw all the ventilators away we could stop this virus in its tracks! (-
  8. Trump can't ask him about it at this time because it would look like he was making excuses, even though Cuomo's failure to secure enough ventilators was totally under his purview. The press would attack Trump and accuse him of being political during this time of national emergency.
  9. No, and the MSM isn't asking. If it was Trump that had ***** up so badly it would be front page news for months. Adam Schiff would be wanting to impeach him and Chuck Schumer would be calling him the worst president ever. Back to the real world, the dems are looking at Cuomo to save their asses and rescue them from a Biden candidacy.
  10. Regarding Florida, I think we all looked at the packed beaches at spring break time and thought man, Florida's fvcked. Well, those kids partying on the beach by and large were not Florida residents but came from other parts of the country and they returned after a few days. The people who caught the virus from partying in Florida simply took it home with them and are in the statistics from whence they came. I would expect that the immense part of Florida's population that is older is doing a better job of prevention of catching the virus due to their natural propensity to follow orders and their fear of catching a death sentence.
  11. Obviously we need more fish tank cleaner to get ahead of the game.
  12. Before even reading the comments I thought Cuomo was a little off by discounting the 4400 + ventilators and all of the protective gear along with hospitals and a hospital ship that the feds had already given NYS.
  13. SDS will probably divert the cash to the general TSW account and then send it to an offshore account.
  14. I wouldn't have wanted to be an amateur looter back then. Those TV's were ***** heavy!
  15. Do you have any idea what it would take to raise fuel economy to Obama pie-in-the-sky standards? A major shift to battery powered vehicles with many charged with electricity generated by coal plants. The government doesn't always think things through. The reusable grocery bag requirement is a good example. You Lefties sure do have a lot of ideas promulgated by some hidden fantasy liberally fertilized by people like you. Maybe instead of proudly proclaiming that you've had so many students accepted to Harvard you should hope for even more being accepted at MIT. Get real.
  16. Don't forget the part where he said that he'd return twice as many.
  17. If only we had listened to Cuomo when he said that many of us should leave the state due to our political beliefs. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jan/19/gov-cuomo-pro-life-conservatives-have-no-place-new/
  18. But, but he's a screen writer! We all know that screen writers are trusted here.
  19. Who conjured you back up?
  20. I've been out of T-Ball for many decades. You Canucks should be careful criticizing your Daddy like you do. Our aircraft carriers are out there protecting your ass while you guys facilitate skirting around the steel tariffs to help China.
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