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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The CDC effectiveness was not diminished in any way. The previous administrations left him a lot to fix. That along with the Left fighting him every inch of the way I'm surprised that he accomplished what he has in the last 3+ years. Just think what he can do in the next 4+ years with a neutered opposition party?
  2. Boy, Joe certainly must have injected her with some strange serum. He may be more culpable than previously known.
  3. Well, since your country doesn't really have to defend itself you may not have very much of an understanding about chain of command thingys. Do you really want us to let you to venture out on your own and learn about those things for yourself? Atkinson got fired for pulling a bunch of partisanshit to allow for a fake whistleblower report that led to a fake impeachment. He should get more than fired. Fauci is not being pushed aside. The mask deal was to keep the general populace away from using up masks that healthcare workers badly needed. The homemade masks will help some in reducing transmission of the virus but are more important in empathizing the importance of separation. If only the Obama/Biden administration had replenished the stock of masks when the CDC made two requests for them to do so.
  4. I think I can guess, due to the fact that you are really only needed for surgical operations and it would make sense that few are scheduled other than emergencies. Amirite?
  5. It isn't a cure until it has been tested enough? We all know it needs further testing to see how it reacts with the peculiarities of Covid-19 but in the desert even a glass of muddy water is appreciated. We need the studies but we also need to let the doctors and patients figure out what's the best for those particular patients. Otherwise we might just as well have community college graduates plug everything into a computer and have the computer direct the treatment. Enough anecdotes will eventually be considered a trial. If only Trump hadn't looked at HCQ as a possible cure we might not have all these objections by people mainly on the left.
  6. Why don't you answer the question I asked? What did HW Bush do to let him off the hook?
  7. Doc, can you prescribe him something? It appears as if he has a severe case of TDS.
  8. BREAKING NEWS: 4th assailant found: Are you here to align yourself with Tiberius or just be one of his minions?
  9. Don't worry, it'll be knee high by the Fourth of July. My guess is that it doesn't work like you explained. I'll worry or agree with it when it is actually being proposed.
  10. I was being facetious towards you but not for them.
  11. Do you have to post that timeline over and over again for every dumbfvck poster that is too lazy to keep up with the thread?
  12. You know, there is a virus thread where much of this has been discussed and I'm sure will be discussed again.
  13. Oh c'mon, just tell her even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  14. What was the media right about and when did that happen?
  15. 63 days after the travel band from China was initiated. And they said Trump was slow to react.
  16. No, that was just his drool that splattered all over the big vegetable.
  17. You "won" it. That's how you could be "conjured" up in the other thread.
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