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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It's just possible the voters made the right decision?
  2. Typical ***** liberal making excuses for their ignorance. You called Fannie Mae, Danny May. Somehow I don't consider that a "spelling mistake" or a typo. Next you'll be saying "auto correct" did it or your fat fingers can't type on a phone. Why do you refuse to take responsibility? "Walkaways" are not as you describe. They are defaults and the lender can certainly go after the borrower. First, they take the real estate back and if that doesn't cover the debt they have every right to take the borrower to court to recoup the difference, plus a lot of fees and court costs. Do you have some compulsion to always be wrong on every subject, or is that just a Canadian thing?
  3. If you've been watching the briefings you'd know. The answer is: he wipes his ass with stupid reporters.
  4. How can anyone think that wiping his ass with the NYT wouldn't actually put moreshit on his ass than remove it?
  5. The need for swift action allowed the government to ignore the relatively few instances that were worthy of head shaking and would normally be fought over in Congress. Sort of like when the tidal wave is coming don't spend time replacing the washer in the kitchen faucet. Remember passing this legislation in order to get money out there to people was of the utmost importance and there were people trying to force new elections laws and airplane emission standards into it. Yes, who knew, but some people tried to make this crisis political.
  6. Alph, from the time we absolutely know that China was well aware that the coronavirus could be spread from people to people and the time that Trump shut down that travel, China allowed 20,000 people a day to travel to the U.S. That's about 600,000 people. During the time China was lying to the world they were stockpiling such things as masks, ventilators and other PPE's. Thisshit is on China!
  7. Don't worry Gary, I heard that if you get reusable grocery bags decorated with unicorns and rainbows the intensity of the "feelings" emanating from the bags themselves will kill any germs.
  8. Seriously Alph? Where have you been? The article you quote is from February 25, 2020 and the points it makes have been refuted time after time here. The NSC group having to do with the spread of disease was an Obama created redundant team. Simply put, Trump's team streamlined many of the NSC groups that had been created by Obama and made the NSC bloat to 400 people vs. 100 people previously.
  9. Seems like Trump took Navarro seriously enough to shut down travel to & from China 2 days later.
  10. It's like Trump has ESP. Time and time again he makes fools of these people who all think they're smarter than him.
  11. Trump is doing a good job fighting this virus and being extremely transparent to the American public for the sole reason that he wants to be reelected. -)
  12. Guess that government run healthcare isn't all it was claimed to be, eh?
  13. So, they have "Made in China" tats on their backs?
  14. Yes, and remember it wasn't the blue haired grannies partying like crazy and participating in wet T-shirt contests. Those partyers went home to Connecticut and Maryland to spread what they might have picked up.
  15. Golf clap or at least some kind of clap. I don't know Doc, I've only been with a Disney child star.
  16. For people that understand nuance the fact that Mexico has 10's of thousands of troops not only on their southern border but on our border with them too, Mexico is paying for our border security.
  17. Do you not believe that Trump has tackled a lot of issues that have not been tackled in recent decades? "Promises made, promises kept" seems to be a pretty good campaign slogan.
  18. Just a little shearing around the ears. Oh, and a trim of that wool around the eyes would help.
  19. No, I wouldn't insult the cattle cars. I'd load you up in sheep cars.
  20. In the meantime medical professionals are being furloughed because there's not enough "normal" medical work to do. I've been to the VA hospital 3 times in the last two weeks and it's been like a morgue. I probably rode the elevator 8 times during those visits and only once had a fellow passenger.
  21. Why don't you go back to claiming Trump recommended fish tank cleaner as a cure for the virus? As fvcked as that is it has more credibility than this post.
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