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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Anecdotal, but I've been to the local VA Hospital 3 times in the last three weeks and maybe rode the elevator 8 times. Just once did I have another person in it with me. Normally, they are full. Visitor parking lots were virtually empty. Hospitals are putting off all elective surgeries and postponing appointments that are not what they feel are essential. Our very own "Doc" here has been temporarily furloughed because his surgery center has been closed.
  2. No, it isn't. Much like Camelot our country is an idea, not a piece of ground. If we lose the Idea then we are no longer exceptional. If we are no longer exceptional then we become just another developed country without direction and will soon become China's minion. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
  3. Seems like this judge is taking on the responsibilities of a legislative or executive branch.
  4. If there ever was a time when you should just shut up and leave the conversation, this would be the time. Your totally partisan misdirections here are not doing anything to move the conversation forward. No, no they are not. We are never going to lose a war when it's all about military power. We can lose our country by losing our courage and beating ourselves.
  5. My contention is that your approach might leave our country still standing but it wouldn't be the same country. Buffalo_Gal nailed it. Our ancestors put their lives on the line for the best, freest and most prosperous country this world has ever seen. I for one, will not let their sacrifices go for naught because I'm afraid to put myself in a position that if I act stupidly I might catch a virus that kills about 2% of those who get infected. I have a picture in my mind of those true heroes that stepped off those landing crafts in Normandy with a hail of bullets coming at them and they kept moving forward. With that picture in my mind, I could do anything less than casting a vote?
  6. Good to see you posting again but your approach to this places you squarely in the camp that would rip the heart out of what our country has stood for the last two centuries plus.
  7. Obviously, China needs to pay a steep enough price that they will never again take this approach. The European countries that are nothing more than China's cucks need to get on board with a strict China ass kicking.
  8. Keep something in mind, people. China hid the seriousness of this virus from the rest of the world for up to 3 months. In the meantime they bought up PPE's, masks and ventilators in great numbers, making them scarce for the rest of the world.
  9. Don't you mean the fish tank cleaner that Trump prescribed to an Arizona couple?
  10. He's still wondering if they are going to call up the Federal Reserve.
  11. So, voting needs to be made easier so more democrats can vote? Not sure I even want the people that are that stupid actually deciding who the leaders of our country are. Is this admission that the democrats are victims because of their low intelligence?
  12. Yes, my next trick will be to show you how to do a party line as if it was 1964.
  13. Are you trying to pretend you don't know what stupid is? It might be minor now but it would grow on her for sure.
  14. Try the new "smart" Commodore 64. If all else fails and the connections are not compatible you might try using the ***** phone to call that number and see how good it is.
  15. For some strange reason we are inundated with former posters with new accounts. It's almost as if they think they can bring down this forum by posting such foolish nonsense that no one enjoys this place anymore. That or maybe they're getting paid by China or Soros to spew their ignorance. Regardless people it's one thing to play Whack-A-Mole with Tiberius and another thing to feel compelled to respond to their three year old misinformation. It's already apparent that BillZtime is just trying to get posters to waste a bunch of time refuting his stupid posts.
  16. Can we encourage people with "vests" to mingle with them?
  17. You have taken basically a footnote and made it sound as if it was a focus of the link you shared. Yes, Trump supposedly has an investment in a fund that has shares of a company that has shares in another company that manufactures the Hydroxychlorinquine medicine. His share may be as much as $3100. I just don't understand Trump. He gives up his $450,000 salary but promotes stock in a company that he doesn't even know he's invested in, in order to maybe improve his investment by a few hundred dollars. You are not a worthy poster here. Go back to the kiddie table.
  18. Those damn Saudis aren't helping us a bit, while the Russians must be colluding with Trump by doing the same thing. Out of curiosity, do you ever put any thought into what you post? For your sake, I hope not. Being lazy is not a good thing but is supposedly correctable. Coming up with theshit that you do though, is plain amoeba level ignorant.
  19. He mentioned in his briefing today about all of the entities helping NYS with equipment loans. I kept waiting for him to mention the federal government's 4 hospitals, a hospital ship, thousands of ventilators and millions of masks and other PPE's. That never came but then again he didn't mention that private entity that put up a field hospital in Central Park either.
  20. https://freebeacon.com/democrats/chicago-mayor-who-said-getting-your-roots-done-wasnt-essential-gets-haircut/ Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot (D.) is on defense after she was spotted getting a haircut, flouting Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker's stay-at-home order that also shut down nonessential businesses like hair salons. Photos emerged Sunday of Lightfoot getting a trim after the mayor made public service announcements encouraging social distancing and saying activities like "getting your roots done" were not essential. Lightfoot was flustered Monday when reporters confronted her about the mixed messaging. "I'm the public face of this city," she said. "I'm on national media and I'm out in the public eye. I take my personal hygiene very seriously. I felt like I needed to have a haircut. I'm not able to do that myself, and so, I got a haircut. You want to talk more about that?"
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