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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The Trump administration was downplaying the virus to keep panic down and calm up. As Trump has been for the last 4 years one needs to look at what he does not necessarily what he says. Again, for the naive newbies you need to understand the man and think about his past experiences that shaped him.
  2. They would go to war to feed themselves. We would need new markets.
  3. We need to form a group of young dedicated planters who will act like a new Pony Express, planting trees across the world. We can have different groups in competition like the Oak Boys, Elm Streeters, Maple Laughs and Ash Wipes. They can compete for the newly established Johnny Appleseed Cup. Oh, and any democrat that wants to sign up can join the Weeping Willows.
  4. I wonder if there is a correlation between the relaxation of voting standards and a move towards turning a state bluer? Gleeful Gator has already stated that he wants voting to be easier so that the less intelligent have a better chance to vote for democrats. Normally democrats aren't so clear thinking.
  5. "Biden, at first virtual event as presumptive nominee, says he's 'coming for' Kamala Harris." He won't be the first.
  6. From that link: As Smith writes: “Beijing denied until Jan. 20 that human to human transmission was occurring. Yet at the same time, Chinese officials and state-owned companies were urgently acquiring bulk medical supplies — especially personal protective equipment like masks and gloves — from Australia, Europe, and around the world. Put simply, Beijing hoarded the world’s life-saving resources while falsely claiming that people’s lives weren’t at risk.”
  7. So, have you figured out yet that doctors are telling people with mild symptoms to not come in to the hospital or drs. office? They might just be trying to keep social distancing by not testing people who don't as of yet have any serious symptoms? Do you think Erie County's protocol is different than any other county in the U.S.? It would appear that we as a country now have adequate PPE's, masks and ventilators in the country. While there may be some glitches in certain areas they are distribution issues not overall supply issues. We also have a pipeline that is getting full fast. Listen, covid-19 is the worst virus to hit our country in a century. Some states and counties were not prepared for it and the federal government has had to assist them in providing equipment. It seems to me that the feds have done a remarkable job in getting up to speed. You on the other hand just biitch about everything that you think might reflect on our president.
  8. Well that's a bold prediction. Is that fence getting a little too uncomfortable to be sitting on?
  9. But do they actually make that little or do they make market rate for the job they are doing? I was seeing signs all over for jobs here in WNY that paid $2 over minimum. My understanding is that Walmart is upping their minimum pay to $15 an hour by the end of the year.
  10. Who makes federal minimum wage? It's a non issue.
  11. The WHO's stance on not recommending a travel ban and saying there was nothing wrong with traveling to and from China was incomprehensible.
  12. At that point in time China had already shut down all of their movie theaters. Unless you think that they were all inhabited by bats, they are acting to prevent human to human transmission but claiming that it is impossible. China is guilty of first degree murder and needs to pay the price for it.
  13. From what I understand the virus itself is encapsulated and protected in a fat like substance and the warmer weather helps that fat naturally melt away. While the warmer weather is not a panacea it reduces the time necessary to naturally kill the virus. It won't change the dynamics of a person coughing in the face of another but it will reduce the time the virus is contagious on the grocery belt.
  14. He doesn't have to do anything to claim ignorance.
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