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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. So, no placating the Gods with a Greta sacrifice? The Waponis are not going to like this.
  2. The dems certainly have enough targets out there on the extreme left. Not only "The Squad' but people like Hank Johnson of the tipping Guam over nonsense, the Throuple Girl from CA and Maxine Watters, the Black Panther Committee Chairman. The R's usually find a way to throw out their trash.
  3. Some of the toughest people I've known are females. About an equal number are males. While childbirth must certainly be painful I've been told by a couple of females that they'd choose pushing that 10 pound spawn out rather than that nearly invisible kidney stone. Well, maybe they didn't say 10 pounds. If I've heard that story once I've heard it 20 times. It's just a way to get around the lawn watering restrictions in Southern California.
  4. Times have changed. To put it simply, back a century ago there was no group promoting 57 genders, taxpayer funded sex changes and hatred for white males. Nobody was promoting changing our voting procedures in order to harvest ballots or having the government make special payments to the media. In 1918 no one said we have to politically take advantage of every crisis. The Left has tried to take advantage every point along the way by trying to hold every reasonable solution hostage to their partisan demands. Extra funding for the Kennedy Center, changing voting laws and including new emission standards for airlines in order to pass a purely emergency bill is horseshit. The dems MO is to slip the camel's nose under the tent and before the rest of us know it they've got a camel toe in your bed.
  5. Understand that Chef Jim was once an actual chef. Chefs are a little to a lot screwy. I mean, he serves the salad last for fvcks sake.
  6. Whitmer's order disallows purchase of seeds and paint and staying at your cottage (only if you are a resident---people from other states can come and stay at their cottages in Michigan). It still allows a person to go into a store and purchase lottery tickets and visit relatives in nursery homes. She very well might make a good partner for Joe Biden. -)
  7. The MSM is the one constantly bringing up HCQ and making fools of themselves. All Trump is doing is responding.
  8. Did someone turn the lights on in a darkroom full of cockroaches?
  9. Sure Gal, he pretends to be offended by having a used jock strap in his face by saying 'ewww" or would he just rather have what's behind the curtain and say "yummy"?
  10. All of this depends on whether you live in Virginia or not.
  11. He's too effeminate. We need a more masculine acting woman.
  12. This drug is getting accolades around the world. A French doctor gave it to over 1000 patients with covid-19 and it was effective in 91% of them. It would appear that the issues are the dosing protocols and at what stage of the illness to give it to the patient.
  13. Her past machinations could be somewhat hidden and without a lot of backlash. In this instance the backlash could be deadly.
  14. We have a poster here who said that he has been using it for sometime and was concerned that it might become in short supply. (this was weeks ago) I believe he was using it for arthritis.
  15. You're an idiot. Any information about him was posted by him first.
  16. Former poster called Birdog1960 from Bristol, VA area who's been away for a couple years or so.
  17. So, it's the political hack from under the shadow of Bristol Speedway back to write in his e.e. cummings style.
  18. Somehow the dems get the chance to get their grubby hands on write-in votes that they always find after the fact. Coincidentally the return addresses on those votes are all "Forest Lawn" or "Serenity Acres".
  19. He and his twin "Z" are clowns, very childish clowns who post memes from Occupy Democrats. They're strong candidates to be in the control group for HCQ trials.
  20. Didn't offend me one bit because I've already figured you out. You do offend the human race though.
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